February 29: Part II

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~Leap Day~

Brie's car drifted along Lake Shore Drive. Heat puffed through the vents as soft pop music carried from the radio. Through trees and lampposts, Rosie caught snippets of the lake, glistening in the rays of the golden setting sun.

Traffic halted their car momentarily, but Rosie didn't care. She wanted the ride to last forever.

Eventually, they approached a turn into a parking lot and Brie swerved off the main road. Rosie had suspected their destination ever since Brie turned onto Lake Shore Drive, but even though she knew it was coming, the sight took Rosie's breath away.

The lake, calm and glowing under the sunset. Light trickled from the clouds onto the water like sunlight dancing in a glass. The light was yellow, orange, pink-- all the colors swirling together in the thin, velvety clouds.

"Oh, Brie," Rosie breathed.

"Before you say anything." Brie grabbed Rosie's hand. "I know things got weird between us at the audition. And that they've been weird for a while, even before all that. So--"

"You don't have to explain. I understand." Rosie cupped Brie's cheek in her hand and leaned in for a kiss. Brie's lips were soft and smooth as always.

"You never told me. How did the callbacks go?"

"I didn't do nearly as well without you there. But I guess things still worked out okay because..." Brie grinned. "I got the part of Beth."

"Yay! I'm so happy for you." Rosie meant it. Beth was one of the main characters, but it wasn't a huge part. Rosie could already imagine the audience tearing up as the sickly sister died in bed. Brie would be perfect.

"Rosie, I want to tell you something." Brie turned the ignition off and turned to face her. "When you canceled on Valentine's day, at first I was upset. But then I realized you and Pablo have been friends for a while and I'm new to this. I need to give you some space. So I thought this could be our little make-up Valentine's day. Although, I didn't think this through; I should have brought chocolate or something."

"No, Brie, it's perfect. I still can't believe you planned this whole scavenger hunt for me. I mean, you must have texted Pablo for days to get him to write a clue."

Brie chuckled. "He's quite the procrastinator. But he came through in the end."

"Glad to hear it. Too bad Tessa couldn't come. I wish she and Pablo would get over their stupid fight."

Brie opened her mouth, then closed it.

"What is it?"

Brie remained silent, so Rosie poked her shoulder.

"It's nothing, it's just--" Brie inhaled. "Pablo and Tessa worked things out a while ago."

"Huh?" This wasn't making any sense. "If they worked things out, then why didn't you invite her to the scavenger hunt? It could've been like old times."

"I did ask Tessa to come with us. But she said no. And... she said some not-so-nice things about you."

Rosie felt herself redden. Her shoulders hunched up and she couldn't look Brie in the eye. It was like her body was crumpling in on herself rather than face the embarassing truth. What could Tessa possibly have against her? Rosie had put up with her constant complaining in English for the past six months. She's never said anything to offend her. Anger and pain boiled up inside her. It wasn't fair.

Brie continued. "So I told Tessa that if she ever repeated those words, I would make sure everyone saw her true colors." Brie's gaze was strong and steady, boring into her eyes. Rosie understood. She couldn't control whatever Tessa thought about her. But she could control right here, right now, with Brie.

Leap Year (✔)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt