February 14

491 34 19

~16 Days till Leap Day~

Stupid chocolate.

Stupid roses.

Rosie watched a couple meander down the front steps of Darliss prep, the girl clutching a giant teddy bear and her boyfriend's hand traveling up her shirt...

Seriously, Valentine's day was just an excuse for more PDA in the hallways, which was the last thing anyone at Darliss needed.

As she leaned against the steps, a bitter wind stinging her face, Rosie remembered she was in a relationship now, with a girl who loved Valentine's day. Their last talk after the auditions had ended in a bad spot, and Brie had spent every lunch since in the library working on her senior project, so Rosie really wanted to make it up to her. It took a lifetime to change old habits, but she'd have to muster up some enthusiasm, just for this evening.

The plan was simple: dinner and a movie.

Rosie ran her hand into the pocket of her backpack for the hundredth time to make sure the tickets hadn't fallen out. They hadn't, but if Brie didn't show up soon, Rosie's fingers were going to freeze.

The front doors to Darliss swung open and Rosie looked up hopefully.

But it wasn't Brie who emerged from the school. It was Pablo.

At first, he tried to hide, but that rainbow scarf was hard to miss. Then, he pretended he hadn't seen Rosie and tried to duck back inside, but Rosie was too quick for him.

"Hey!" She leapt up the stairs, her backpack bouncing against her back.

Pablo averted his eyes. "Hi, Rosie. I have to get something inside. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, right." Rosie blocked his way to the door. "We never talk anymore. You avoid me in the hallways. Hailey was crying in the bathroom." Rosie stared at him. "Pablo, for real. What's up?" She'd known Pablo since... forever. This was the longest he'd ever stayed mad at her.

He glanced down the steps, as if assessing if he could make a run for it. Pablo sighed. "That's the problem; we don't talk anymore."

"Because you're always avoiding me!" Rosie shouted. She wanted to understand. She really did.

"Because you're always with Brie! And when she's not around, you're always talking about her. It's always 'do you think she likes me' or 'I wonder what Brie's doing right now.' Well, yes, she obviously likes you, Rosie, or you wouldn't be dating! And you obviously like her back. But just because you have a girlfriend now, doesn't mean you can neglect your friends. Friends like me, who stood up for you no matter what!" Pablo's words echoed in the afternoon air. Rosie's eyes stung. It was true.

"Xavier and I broke up and you're the only one who didn't ask to see if I was okay. Even Tessa texted me! Tessa. We used to be best friends, Rosie, and now it's like you don't even care."

Rosie tried to speak, but her tongue felt all twisted up in her throat. "I'm... sorry. I didn't even know you and Xavier were dating."

"Exactly." Pablo crossed his arms. "Anyway, have a chill Valentine's day." He started down the steps.

"Wait!" Rosie heard her own voice and was surprised by how thick and choked up it sounded. This was her fault. She had to make it right. She couldn't lose her best friend. "Pablo, I'm sorry. I miss you!"

Pablo swiveled around and raised an eyebrow. Tiny snowflakes began floating down in front of Darliss, speckling Pablo's thick black hair with bits of white.

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