December 25

502 36 18

~66 Days till Leap Day~

Rosie pressed the doorbell of her dad's condo with a satisfying buzz.  Inhaling deeply, she readied herself for whatever mood her dad was in. 

In her hand she held a fresh pan of caramel brownies-- her dad's favorite. Her mom had helped her prepare an apology in the car. That was her favorite thing about her mom. No matter what stupid thing Rosie had done the night before, the next morning was always a clean slate.

The lock of the door twisted and squeaked.

Rosie took a step inside the apartment. "Hi, dad," Rosie said as the door swung open wider. But as she looked up to meet her dad's gaze, Rosie's breath caught in her throat. It wasn't her dad who had opened the door.

"Oh...uh...hi!" Rosie stumbled over her words.

A curvy woman with puffy black hair stood leaning against the doorframe, a tight scarlet dress highlighting her wide hips. She beamed at Rosie, cherry red lipstick framing her giant mouth.

Rosie's mom appeared behind her, looking just as confused as Rosie. "Hello? We're looking for Dave Hirschel."

The woman's smile faltered. "Yeah, you're Helene and Roselia, aren't you?" Rosie and her mom exchanged puzzled looks and the woman continued. "I'm Dina, come on in."

Rosie stepped into the condo, but instead of the smooth wooden flooring, her shoe met an uneven surface and she wobbled. Rosie regained her balance and looked down at what had tripped her. A glossy-haired Barbie doll lay across the floor. Weird. Rosie had gotten rid of all her Barbies a while ago.

"Hey, Ro!" Her dad appeared in front of her and slipped his arm around Dina. "Good morning, Helene."

Rosie looked from her dad, who was grinning like nothing had happened between them, to Dina, smiling smugly at Rosie's mom in that tight red dress.

"How are my two ladies doing?" Rosie's dad asked.

Rosie's mom's mouth hung open. "We're fine. We just met Dina."

"Right! I meant to tell you last night, but things got out of hand." Her dad stepped closer, motioning for Dina to follow. "This is Dina, my girlfriend."

Before Rosie had time to process that, a little girl's face popped out from behind the wall to the entryway. She was young, maybe seven, with freckles and huge, dark eyes.

"And this is Dina's daughter, Sophia."

Rosie's jaw dropped. She looked at her mom, whose mouth was hanging open just like her own.

"I'll take this." Rosie's dad grabbed the brownies from Rosie's hands. His smile was a little too wide considering what Rosie had screamed at him last night. As he brushed past her, Rosie nostrils filled with an overwhelming spicy cologne. At least he was making an effort to cover up the cigarette stench.

Rosie and her mom followed her dad wordlessly into the dining room. "I thought Jewish Christmas brunch would be the perfect time for you to meet each other. Family traditions and all. Dina and Sophia actually celebrate Christmas. Isn't that fun?"

The dining room was piled with food and decorations. A miniature Christmas tree stood on the side table next to a menorah. Sophia hid in the corner, her face half-covered with a giant, floppy Santa hat. Her dad's usual paperwork and unopened mail had miraculously vanished. Dishes of sweet potatoes and green beans filled the table. There was even a honey crusted ham.

"I thought you didn't eat pork, dad?" Rosie hesitated to take a seat at the lavishly decorated table. "Because you're Jewish?"

Her dad waved her away. "This is Dina's family recipe. I'm sure it'll be delicious. Sophia, you're all set?" Sophia slunk out of her corner. "Alright! Let's dig in!"

Leap Year (✔)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz