January 13

527 37 12

~47 Days till Leap Day~

The first week back at school after winter break was always horrible. But everyone always seemed to forget how lackluster the second week back could be.

The excitement of seeing friends was gone and homework kicked back into high gear. The only thing keeping Rosie sane was seeing Brie in the hallway after school and Drama Club. But the drama classroom, stuffed in the basement next to the generator and constantly brimming with noisy freshmen, was starting to feel less and less appealing.

It wasn't just the academic aspect of school that drained Rosie. It was the social aspect too.

She hadn't had a solid conversation with Pablo since their retreat downtown before Christmas, which now felt like years ago. He barely showed up to lunch, saying it was because Tessa still sat at their table. But Rosie had begun to feel like he was avoiding her too.

"Hi, Pablo!" Rosie shouted on her way to lunch, when she saw him trying to sneak past her into the library. "How's it going?"

"'Sup," he said, sliding past her coolly.

Rosie stopped in place, blocking the middle of the hallway. When had Pablo ever responded with a single word? The ugly tile floor seemed to be spinning under her. So it was true. Her best friend for-- Rosie couldn't even remember how long-- was avoiding her.

She bit her tongue to keep from screaming and marched on to the cafeteria.

Unfortunately, Pablo wasn't the only one Rosie felt like she was losing a connection with.

Beojun had found a new lunch group. They were all gamers like him, who pooled their tater tots and Skittles across the lunch table while shooting each other up in the game. Beojun had found his people. Rosie tried to feel glad for him.

Tessa comments in English were getting more and more snide. She seemed intent on ruining Rosie's relationship with Brie or turning her against Pablo. And Rosie couldn't stand to hear about one more of the amazing colleges Tess had been accepted to. Tessa's Kindness is Cool t-shirt was becoming more and more ironic in Rosie's mind, a memory of the alternate junior year she had envisioned in her head. A year with friends. And laughter. Memories.

And Hailey. What was going on with Hailey? Rosie tried to remember as she stood in line for the bathroom after lunch. She assumed Hailey and Zach were still dating.

As she finished her business and unlocked the stall, a wave of guilt hit Rosie. She should've known who her best friend was dating.

The soap dispenser was empty, so Rosie rinsed her hands under the freezing tap, staring at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her sagging smile reflected back at her. She couldn't even fake happiness anymore.

The door to a stall squeaked open and Rosie jumped. She'd thought the bathroom was empty.

Rosie scooted over to make room at the sink, but when she saw who it was, a hoot of laughter escaped her lips. "Hailey, it's you! I was just thinking about--" Rosie stopped when she saw Hailey's face.

Her bloodshot eyes stood out from the pale skin, surrounded by pink circles. Her sallow face stood in contrast to her lumpy, black sweatshirt. For the first time in her life, Hailey was not wearing makeup at school.

"Hailey, were you... crying?"

"Ugh, Rosie. I don't want to talk about it." Hailey rinsed her hands and reached for the paper towels, avoiding Rosie's eyes. Her lips were noticeably chapped. Hailey always had some kind of fruity lip gloss.

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