A Changing Time Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

" What...?" He glanced down and too his surprise he was in crimson robes. Silvia chuckles.

" Sorry if you wanted to be in a different house but you felt the pressure of the family name and told the Sorting Hat to put you in Gryffindor, so it did," she explains this time.

" Oh... Is Ginny Weasley alright?" Albus asks. Silvia slaps her hand over her mouth and stands up.

" Nerve Albus, nerve... Ginevra Weasley died in the Battle of Hogwarts the night your mother and I defeated Voldemort. We thought we'd raised you kids to not know about that... Apparently not..." Harry glared deeply at his wife.

" Harry I-"

" It's not her fault Potter..." Draco spoke up and walked to them.

" Malfoy?!" Both Silvia and Harry gasped.

" Scorpius is just like your son. He's brain dead- not to mention he thinks his mother is alive- and a different person..." He sneered softly and gives Silvia a disgusted look. Silvia gives him a glance of sorrow.

" Maybe I should preform a few memory charms on them. I can make Scorpius forget about Astoria for good if you'd like?" Silvia summoned her wand.

" No! Y-you can't!" Albus threw his pillow at Silvia and she accidentally made it blow up.

" Albus Severus Potter what exactly is going on with you?" Harry raised his voice in shock.

" I would never tell you anything," he used a serious tone of his own and glared at his 'parents' and ran out of the wing.

" Albus!" Harry chased after him, leaving Silvia and Draco in the wing.

" Thank you for intervening," she clears up the dust and remakes the bed.

" He would've murdered you if I didn't and there was no way I could watch another person die, even you Destined One," he ignored her completely and stared off into space.

" We're back onto the name calling stage? I thought we weren't supposed to be talking to each other since... Since Astoria and the ' Scorpius Riddle' rumor," Silvia looked at him. He glanced at her for a second.

" Do you believe it?"

" What?"

" The rumor, do you believe in it?" He asks. Silvia walks to his side.

" Harry does... But I don't think I do. After all that we went through in the past, I know you wouldn't let Astoria out of your sight..." She explains. Draco takes her hands politely.

" You still owe me Pottah," he grinned for a moment. Silvia chuckles.

" For what you slimy git?" She asks back in a teasing tone.

" That one time you saved me from getting killed," Silvia slapped him.

" I'm a married woman now, I can't do anything for you besides help get rid of memories you don't want," she backed away. " I have to met with Mcgonagall and Harry to go over the new rules... Bye," Silvia shyly left her ex in the wing without another word.


" Are you sure you want me to do this?" Mcgonagall asked incredulously as she looked up from the Marauders Map to the Potters on the other side of her desk.

" It must be done, to protect them. If you see them in the same room you must separate them and owl us immediately," Harry was still speaking in his stern tone, telling Silvia he must've messed up with Albus again.

" But their friends! If they bullied each other it would-"

" I'm sorry Minerva but you don't know what it's like to have children!" Harry burst, flooing out of the office.

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