Chapter 31: The Mouse's Return

Start from the beginning

"If you want to get your self in deeper trouble than you already are, be my guest." He opened the door and gestured me to go out.

"Fine." I groaned with a sigh.

"Just pretend I'm chasing you and don't look back. You'll be fine."

"It's not my speed I'm worried about." It's the fact that my legs are shaking and now I have to sprint for a long distance all while hoping with all my might that I won't collapse half way there.

Of course, I didn't say that part out loud. It would just bring more criticism.

"Why do I have to listen to the mouse guy again?" I asked as we approached the back of the house

"I assume you're talking about Smith. And it's because he has the power to falsely accuse you of who knows what and kill you. Unless you cooperate."

"I really hate him."

"Yeah? Join the club."
I followed him inside and went to Lucas' room to change into fresh clothes. They still haven't agreed to go shopping and get clothes so I'm stuck wearing whatever of Lucas' things will fit. Not that I'm complaining. He smells pretty darn good.

"Why can't you just whoop him and then kill him? It's obvious you could do it."
I yelled from the hallway as I made my way to the shower.

I didn't actually hear anything but from the sound of Gavin's next words I think he had laughed at my comment. "Cane is already keeping a close eye on us because we were with Taren. I don't need to give them another reason to suspect me. Plus, he's related to the boss. He's essentially invincible to any inside threat."

"Wow.. That really is unfortunate." I sighed before closing and locking the bathroom door.

~~~~~~~~~~~10 minutes later

"Hey, do we have time to eat something before the mouse gets here?" I asked as I walked out of the bathroom. The moment after saying that there was a knock at the door. "Never mind." I groaned as I continued rubbing a towel through my freshly washed hair.

"It's open." Lucas yelled from the living room. Gavin walked in from the kitchen to greet the undesired guest.

"Well look who's still here!" Jerry sang as he waltzed into the room. "Our princess." I held back a glare as I moved to the living room where Lucas stood looking at the mouse. I might just start calling him Vermin. That would suit him perfectly.

"Well? What did he say?" Lucas asked. Clearly not in the mood to humor this guy.

"Who? My Uncle?"

"You never came back and you never contacted us." Gavin's gaze was sharp and I could tell the mouse was getting thrown off by it.

He let out a nervous laugh as he went to bro-hug Lucas and I fought back an eye-roll. Seriously, why does this guy hold any respect from anyone? So far all he's done is rough me up a bit and prove himself to be a nuisance. He turned his gaze toward me with a smirk and that familiar lump in my throat formed. Yes, he's annoying, and yes, I don't like him, but he still makes me extremely uncomfortable. "Has our princess just taken a shower? These two treat you like true royalty."

"Is that really all you came here for?" I asked. trying to sound as patient as possible.

He laughed "I see we aren't feeling very hospitable today. I talked to my Uncle. He was.. Indifferent to the idea."

"He said no, didn't he." Lucas said flatly

"He didn't say it in those words. Necessarily."

Gavin cut in, "Smith, he didn't like the idea, I knew he wouldn't, and he refused it. Just let it go."

"No! he said if I think something good will come of it, then I could go through with it. Under supervision, of course. Besides, what's the use of keeping her around if she's not going to help us?"

"It's called living life Jerry. She doesn't have anywhere else to go." Lucas defended

"Yeah." He said with a scoff "Except back to Taren with her backstabbing Brother." He spat toward me with venom in each word

"That was his choice. It didn't even affect you directly."

"I don't think it was their choice. Why would anyone go to Taren if they were part of Cane."

"Maybe they were being blackmailed." I spoke softly. glancing coldly at Lucas

"And you really think they would put themselves in danger so stupidly for money?" He snarked

"No. But for something else, they might." I kept my gaze low as I spoke. I knew I was treading on thin ice.

"Like what?" He questioned. I shrugged my shoulders in response "Don't hold back on me now, princess. I'm listening." He warned

"You probably know more about my Brothers than I do. I only knew them when they were too young to care about anything." I said nonchalantly 

The mouse sighed in annoyance. "I really thought you had something there, Princess. It's a shame you had to disappoint me like that."

"Your Uncle turned down the idea. You have no business with her anymore." Lucas said

"Ah-ah," He tutted "He said I could go through with it under supervision." He had a gleam in his eye that made me nervous as he looked toward Lucas.

"So that means.." I started, praying to God my assumption is wrong.

"It means you get to come with me, Princess."

My eyes widened and my heart jumped as I shot my gaze toward Gavin and Lucas for both confirmation and protection.

"Why does she have to come with you? Can't you do what you need to remotely?" Lucas asked, the nerves rising through his voice

"I'm trying to achieve vengeance here. Real vengeance. The kind that is truly satisfying.. You can't do that remotely."

He grabbed my wrist and I struggled against him as he started leading me out the door, "Stop fighting!" He practically yelled in my face. "I'm not going to hurt you." His voice sounded evil. "Even if I tried, these two would stop me. But," he turned to look back at the boys who seemed almost powerless against this mouse, "If you two get in my way too much, well.. You know the consequences."



OMG I didn't mean to put a title reference in there but like.. Cool! LOL

How was your weekend? Have you taken up any new hobbies since being stuck at home? Or maybe you've revisited some old ones. I recently started making beaded bracelets again. I forgot how much fun it was!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Don'tforget to COMMENT and VOTE! :)

I hope you've had(Or will have) a lovely day!

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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