Conversation #Part 11

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~~~~~~~Hello! Well, it has been a long time I have seen you, so excited to update well this is something I wanted to tell you and that is? the update of this story will be on every Sunday, so please do support me on this story also sorry for the very late update. now enjoy the story.~~~~~~~

Day 4

Samira POV

Morning welcomes me with a bright sun and calming voice of birds chirping I open my eyes adjusting to see around me, hopefully, I didn't have bad dreams. I didn't get any dreams I have been sleeping blankly. Stretching my hands I got up, while yawning I put my hands to cover my mouth. "What a morning" I said to myself.

This day is full of observation and tomorrow night I will be going to Emily's house, but first I need to pack my stuff and essential which will be needed, I am just hoping that I don't get into any trouble.

Now the biggest huddle is that wall which I will be crossing, I do know it's not tall but then too, I need to run and jump over it as fast as I can, I don't know that these dead people can run or not as I am just seeing them walk, but what if they can run, I need to take full precautions.

Anyways, I am just sitting here on the bed I need to get my ass out of this bed and go on to work, yep you heard it right work which will be observing and not getting myself killed by any of them. I take my phone from the nightstand and plugged out the charger to call Emily while calling her I saw the time on my phone at 10 o'clock, well I had a good sleep.

I call her while going towards the window, I have been restless due to that nightmare. She was not picking her phone... I guess she is sleeping, god that lazy girl but it's good at least she is not crying anymore. I am happy that something will keep her from crying and getting scared, well I learned a lot about her she is an amazing person and very innocent girl, why is she in this mess? I hope that person of the company who has does this kind of thing should be sent to prison.

I was staring out of the window and looking at the dead people walking around, this neighborhood has been friendly but now it's nasty as the people are deadly walking around. It's not like I am not scared, I am scared to death. If I say that I am scared, then Emily will be scared to her wits. Days are passing by very fast and those soldiers will be coming which means I am going to be dead. I need to take a shower so that I can feel good, till then let my phone charge.

I step into my bathroom, brushed my teeth and turn on the shower and removed my clothes, and stepped into the shower, letting the water flow over my body feeling relaxed, god this feels nice...


I took a shower and now I am dressed I go towards my bed and take the phone to check the battery percentage... well good that it shows it has been charged to 58%... I let it be on charging and called Emily, assuming that she will be awake from her sleep.

Emily POV

I got up by the ringing sound of the phone "Who could be calling me?" I asked myself in a sleepy tone. I took the phone from the bed's side table lazily and before answering the call I dropped it on the ground "Well, great! That's what I want" I scold to the phone and picked it up...

Emily: Hello

Samira: Hey, Emy you are up?

Emily: Well almost, (yawn) what about you?

Samira: I just took a shower and it feels great, I think you should also...

Emily: Why?

Samira: Because we are going to observe something and you are going to tell me how will I come to your house?

Emily: Oh! Yes, I totally forgot. What a dumbass am I?

(Samira was laughing about me calling myself a dumbass, well she almost laughed for a minute before continuing)

Samira: God you made me laugh so hard. Anyways I am telling you now to get ready cause we need to check lots of things, okay?

Emily: Roger that.

We ended the call and I began to go towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and turned the shower on and took a good bath also quick cause I wanted to eat something.

I got out of the bathroom and dressed, I got down into the kitchen and started to eat the oven macaroni god this is the fourth last packet, what should I do then? I don't need to worry as Samira would be coming here and she will bring some food items and I have vegetables and all essential out here. I started to eat the food and in the middle of it I remembered that I have to call Samira and checked the time well it 1:30 p.m. god this day is going fast, she picked it up.

Emily: Hey

(I said with the mouthful of macaroni)

Samira: Hey, eating food?

Emily: Yes! How did you know?

Samira: Well guess by your voice because you are stuffing the food in your mouth and talking.

Emily: Good observer.

Samira: By the way it's good listener but, Thank you anyways.

(We talked more about our dreams and other stuff as Samira don't prefer to talk about the situation in what we are, well eating and talking about our personal stuff and also sharing our most funny moments as well as our embarrassing moment somewhat brought me close to Samira she is now becoming a sister I never had and also a best friend I wanted for so long, happy about the fact that I am with someone who is so caring towards me but at the same time I am afraid to lose her also scared that will I be able to meet her? What about my parents? Why they haven't come to save me are they in big trouble than what I am in? God! There are so many questions and when will I get an answer to this? )

We had finished eating a long time back and we were telling each other the way she can come to my house, well I just hope we pursue this plan... now it's been 9 o'clock as we did spend a lot of time understanding the plan and how we are going to execute this plan, also she packed her stuff she is going to carry well I am eagerly waiting for tomorrow...

~~~~~~~~~~~please tell me how was the story till now all of your opinion matters as I am writing for the first time and I am kind of nervous, but please support me and thank you for reading ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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