Conversation #Part 6

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(Hey it is my first time writing a story and I have also made some of the changes in previous parts also I know that there has been a huge gap in updates as I was busy in some work (like the exam) and now finally I am going to update daily I wish I do an update daily but till then enjoy the story... bye zombies are after me... Run...)

Day 2

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Day 2

Samira POV

Emily: Yes ...should I check, I thi...

Samira: NO!

Emily: There is no one on this side check your side of the house.

Samira: Well I thought I said no...

Emily: Yes yes I got it.

(Samira goes towards her kitchen window to see... but was not able to do so she went upstairs to her bedroom and sees that Soldiers are here from the most influential R.E.D.F corporation.)

Samira: Emily! We are going to be saved.

Emily: What! Seriously are we?

Samira: Yes... Oh, wait they are killing those dead people and making their way toward the 203 Sheriff resident... there is a survivor... Mrs Sheriff is coming out... thank god she is saved.

Emily: Thank god she is a nice woman... she helped me once... are they saving her now?

Samira: Yes I guess so...

(Samira sees that the soldiers are pointing their gun towards Mrs Sheriff and she was begging to save her and her husband but they shot Mrs Sheriff and went in to kill her husband.)

Samira: They are not here to Save us

Emily: What do you mean?

Samira: Emily you have been eating right?

Emily: Yes but what is going on... you nee...

Samira: LISTEN TO ME clean your dishes and keep on the shelf or wherever it was, dry it properly... then hurry and hide somewhere you are safe and can't be found.

Emily: Ok... Ok

Emily POV

I need to hurry after some minutes I finished drying my dishes and go upstairs in my bedroom and then I pull open my attic door and while climbing I removed attic handle so that camouflage that it is a ceiling and not door to the attic.

I closed my attic door, then I go to the corner thank god that it is clean as we use it as a room. My attic lights are pretty dim and I switch them on and I hid there in the corner.

My nerves are getting freaked out and goosebumps are forming over my body... I don't know what Samira is doing at the very moment... as we hang up when I was cleaning dishes and why did she told me to do so... Samira what are you doing please call me... tears falling from my eyes.

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