Conversation #Part 8

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~~~~Hey! so really sorry for the late update cause my computer is giving me some problem so now it is fixed also please take care of your health and your family now without a due enjoy the story~~~~

~~~~Hey! so really sorry for the late update cause my computer is giving me some problem so now it is fixed also please take care of your health and your family now without a due enjoy the story~~~~

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Day 2

Samira POV

I think they are going to come back... as I was thinking they left as I heard the bedroom door closing and the main door. I then took the key from the small type cupboard and went to the wardrobe door I opened it and saw that there was no one I got out and then a heavy sigh leaves out of my mouth and then I checked the living room by opening the door a little so that I can take a secret look to the living room and there was no one then I heard the engine sound and I ran towards the window to see and I saw military cars and a tanker then I closed the curtain.

On the bed, I was sitting and I ran my hand in my hair and calm myself also coming out of the trauma which was just passed by me. Then I see towards the charger which was plugged out and kept on the side table, beside the lamp and then I look at my room door then my bathroom door I was just so fucking thankful to and then my wardrobe staring blankly and then something hit me to my unconscious mind and then it hit my mind and I shout to myself "Emily" "phone" oh god! How dumb of me.

I go towards my wardrobe and calling her name "Emily I can't find my phone can you please shout out my name so that I can find my phone please"

Then she shouted


Oh, thank god... I found it behind the pile of clothes even I also can't find it if I were them.

Emily POV

I heard them talking and also that they will come back to get Samira that now going to haunt me I have not even seen her or even not met her I just heard her also the way they were, I think that soldiers are closet to each other and then I too heard that door sound but it wasn't that the soldiers are leaving then what was that and also it was low sound.

Then I want to talk but I waited till Samira talks but she didn't and that soldier did also they talked that they were killing the people who are survivor just because of some order from some chief I mean how could anyone be this blunt to give the order that you should kill people I mean why? I was crying but thank god I have muted my side of call then after some time they were living but yes I was pretty scared when they found out the charger I mean how could Samira be this silly and forget that but thank god, that soldier who came at my house and talked about my family just let it pass I mean I recognize his voice.

They left the room after some time and then after a while I heard Samira she was saying to help her find her phone so I just shouted "HERE I AM HEAR SAMIRA HEAR" and she got her phone I guess and then she talked.

Samira: Hey thanks! My phone just simply shifted from hand while I was hiding.

Emily: I got that, but where were you hiding?

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