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A life with you
Would have been
One worth living.


Shånùk's POV

He just sat there next to her body after he brought down the castle in all of his rage and hurt of her loss. He finally got her back even for a short time only to lose her all over again. Octavian always believed he'd be the one to save her when in reality she was always meant to save him and she did. Time and time again without waver or thought of herself. She believed him to be good even when he tried to prove her wrong but she was a stubborn lass.

"Octavian, we need to take her back to my mountain so my healer can look at her." I said but I don't think he heard me.

He just sat there staring into nothing and held her close to his chest, hoping this to all be a dream. I lost my bonder long ago and did much of what he has done and so did his father. That's not how it's supposed to be, we're supposed to walk into Valhalla together side-by-side with love in our eyes and the weight lifted from our hearts... But it seems that the three of us got the wrong side of the coin we flipped in beginning of our days. Rayna had been adopted in by the clan when she and Octavian became one and they all felt her spirit go. I could hear the wales of sadness echo off the mountains and sing through the trees in a perfect sorrowful harmony.

"Son... We need to take her-"

"Leave me be..." He said with a broken undertone.

I couldn't let him sit here with her, she needed to be taken care of by a fellow healer to know if there was any hope their souls to reunite again. Maybe this wasn't the end for them but either way we needed to take her away.

"I can't do that son, you know it is their way. Please, do it for her." I pleaded.

I wasn't about to let her death be for nothing, she needed to be cleaned and given to the creator with honor. Octavian knew that and he stood even in his weak state and took a few steps before falling to his knees. I think that was when it finally set in what was happening because he held her tighter to his chest and yelled in pain while rocking her back and forth. It takes a certain kind of strength to accept something so painful and it takes even more strength to live with it and I knew that and so did his father. I stepped forward and took her from him slowly.

"I have her son, I'll take care of her." I said gently.

Janina stepped forward and wiped Rayna's hair out of her face before tending to her brother, holding him like a mother would do, not crying yet because she knew she had to be strong for him. I made my way towards the threshold of the castle when I felt a rumble come from her belly which made me stop in my tracks. I brought my ear down to her belly and listened for a while when I heard and felt something move making her jerk back.

"Father?" Boaz called.

I began to breath heavily and ran fast out of the castle taking flight, making my way to my mountain to figure out if what I believe to be true was true.


I watched as the old women hovered her hands over Rayna's body feeling her energy. Marking stained her skin, the same markings Rayna possessed. Markings they were both born with as they shared the same spirit.

"This women is with child..." She said.

I walked out of the room and found someone to send the message to Octavian.

"Send for Octavian, tell him life is still within Rayna Forester."

I walked back inside, "Tell me what this means for her... for Octavian."

She drew in a shaky breath and blew out the candle beside Rayna and came close to me, her eyes grey, born with the curse of no sight as many healers were. She brought her palm to my face and spoke.

"This women's soul is stuck between our world and the afterlife. Her body is still alive because she and the creator knows she has to fight for the child inside her."

"Is there any hope of her coming back old mother?" I ask.

"That is up to her and the creator but the child will live and with it, it's mothers spirit. This one was strong but I feel that her fight is not over. I have spoken, you must leave us."

I left the room knowing that there was hope for Octavian and their future , there was going to be a future for all of us. I also knew that the battle might have been over but the war has yet to come for us. When it does rear its ugly head, we will be here waiting to meet it with courage and honor As our ancestors have done before us.


Book two anyone?

Make sure to check out Wake Me When The Nightmare ends.
Love you guys! Over and out.


The Clan (Book One)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora