•Chapter XI•

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•Chapter XI•

The past beats inside me like a second


Orians men were at the base of the mountain making camp for the time being. I found out that the clan currently resided in a cave that was once an active volcano. I found that fascinating that they lived in the mountain instead of on the mountain. Not that I was complaining, I felt at home here. Thankfully they didn't live like most of the stories and legends say. Around mountains of bones with scattered gold and jewls, taking a virgin maiden on the summer solstice to give birth to the next generation then feed on her.

Many believed the dragons to be demons or evil killers. I thought it to be quite comical that people believed such stories. I have yet to see any mountains of bones or gold. But the jury is still out on the virgin maiden considering that I'm here. I looked over the edge of the mountain and watched many of the kings men congregate down below. Why they weren't attacking yet, I didn't know. It wouldn't take much to wipe them off the side of the mountain but I had to restrain myself from such thoughts and actions. I still wasn't safe here which meant I couldn't be showing my abilities freely just yet, not while most of Octavians clan wants to throw me off the edge of the mountain.

"Rayna." Octavian called.

I turned to face him and drank in his appearance. Plain trousers and airy cotton shirt. He stood tall as he watched me with an emotion flashing through his eyes that I couldn't quite recognize.

"Come inside, it isn't safe out here." He commanded.

I wanted to tell him to go away and leave me be, but I couldn't disrespect a man in his own home.... Even if I didn't ask to be brought here. He didn't think I could take care of myself and figure he was aiding me since my home was now too dangerous for me to returned to. I casually walked into the mouth of the cave following behind him to the room I had left before. The dog lay on the bear skin rug, content with the heat seeping through his fur.

Octavian pulled a chest out from under his bed, setting it on top of the sheets. He poped the lock with ease before rumuging around inside.

"What's the dogs name?" I asked.

He glanced at the dog before glancing back at me then going back to the chest that sat in front of him. "Dog."

"You named your dog, Dog?" I asked.

"He doesn't have a name nor does he need one." He said.

"That's not natural, everything has a name."

"If you feel the need to name the animal then do as you wish." He said.

I walked over to the dog who lay on the rug. I bent down making his tail wag in excitement as I scratches his black head. He was a large wolf pup that seemed to be incredibly obedient to Octavian. Made me wonder how he got him.

"I will name you, Arow." I said smiling.

He made a noise close to bark and a grunt signaling his appreciation before rolling into his back asking for me to rub his belly. He made me chuckled as I gave into his request.

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