•Chapter XV•

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•Chapter XV•

Today, I stared at the ocean.

With every new wave, another must go.

One day, you'll remember us laughing.
One day you'll remember my passions.
Someday you'll have one of your own.


I felt something cold and wet smack my body, jolting me awake. They had splashed a bucket of cold water on me  to wake me up. They laughed at my stunned state making me glare in their direction.
I was in a cell with guards surrounding me, watching my every move. How did I get here and how long had I been here? These were the questions that came to mind as I subtly began to panic inside my head.

"Glad to see you're awake Mrs. Forester. I feared that we gave you too much." Said Commander Juveal.

"Gave me too much of what?" I asked through clenched teeth. My head was throbbing against my skull as I tried to focus on anything.

"We actually retrieved it from your shop, along with a few other things before we burned it down." He said with a smile.

I knew he was trying to get a rise out of me. I musn't let him.

"What did you give me?" I asked once again.

"Nylock. Not much, but it seemed to do it's job." He said.

"Where am I?"

"Why, we're at the kingdom in the castle cells. You should feel honored, most don't make it this far."

"Lucky me." I replied sarcastically.

  "The king would like to dine with you this evening."

"Tell him, I'll have to decline his request."

He chuckled. "I thought you might say that. You should know that if you don't go willingly, I will have you stripped and you will go before King Orian bare. I'll give you time to think about it. See you this evening, Mrs. Forester." He said bowing his head slightly in mock respect.

I watched him walk away and sighed in the darkness if my cell. They had gotten me and gave me something that prohibited me from using my abilities. I heard groaning from the cell beside me. I turned my head and saw a familiar garment.

"Mordecai?" I called out.

  "Rayna?" He grumbled back.

I put my arm through the bars and held onto his shoulder turning him over.

"What are u doing here?" I asked as he turned on his other side. He was beaten and bloody. "What have they done to you? Where's young Eien?" I asked, referring to his son.

He began to cry. "They killed him. They took me from our home, for helping you escape. Eien tried to help me but the commander ran his blade through him." he explained as he held his face.

I had never seen Mordecai so broken before and to be honest, It killed me inside. It was my fault for bringing him into this; if it wasn't for me, young Eien would still be alive. I had never felt such shame. I held onto him like a life line, knowing he may not want me to even touch him. If he turned me away and blaming me for Eiens death, I wouldn't be able to come back from that. Instead he just whailed until he finally fell asleep. That's when I began to cry. knowing I'd never see his face again or hear his flirtatious comments.

Hours passed before the commander returned with a smirk plastered on his face. He unlocked my cell and stood between me and my exit.

"What do u choose? Clothes or bare?" He asked.

"Clothes." I said standing and walking past him and up the stairs where I assumed would be the dining hall.

The commander directed me towards the feasting hall that was big enough for a family to reside in. He directed me to the far end of the table where a handsome young looking man, dressed in black sat. He was carving into meat and respectfully eating in. Juveal sat me down on his right side with an empty plate in front of me. I was starving considering I hadn't eaten in a very long time and the food that sat in front of me was tempting.

"You must be the enchantris." She said without looking at me.

I said nothing as I stared at the clean white plate in front of me.

"They tell me that you set my dragons free and wiped out most of my men."

"I was told that your father killed my people in cold blood." I spat back.

He paused for a moment, not expecting my quick tongue before he continued eating.

"You are allowed to eat. After all I did request your presents for dinner." I gathered some food on my plate and began to eat in silence not caring at this point weather or not it was poisoned. At least it tasted good. I took a few drinks of the red wine and soon began to feel his eyes on me.

"Why do you torment me when you are going to kill me?" I asked.

He carved some more meat on his plate and put it in his mouth before he spoke, not looking at me. "Who said I was going to kill you? I may keep you."

"Then I'd rather die." I said, halting my movements and sat staring at my half empty plate.

He chuckled. "Is that what you want? To be killed and returne to your people in Valhalla?" He asked.

"I'd rather die then become your property." I said. "Even if that mean being burned liked your father burned my people."

"My father didn't burn your people." He said holding up his chalice of wine.

I looked him in the eye for any signs of humor or lies but I saw none.

"Then who did?" I asked.

"My mother." he said taking a drink.

"What difference does it make? Your blood killed mine. What was the gain?" I asked.

He sighed, "My father had an affair with a women from your tribe by the name of Sonya. She was a healer, much like you, with your same gifts. my father fell in love and wanted to combined the bloodlines of the human and pure breads to make a union. My mother found this out after following him on one of their excursions and had her killed which angered her people, causing a war."

I listened intently.

"My mother used me and my sister as a pawn against my father to ensure his part in the war. She had your people killed as insurance but she soon found out that not only had my father been having an affair, but realized that a child had been bore by Sonya which was in hiding with her sister Malina... Your mother."

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