•Chapter II•

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•Chapter II•

A roar of rebellion
Poured from her lips
knowing she'd never again
Look the Devil in the eye.


As I rode to where the dragon fell, I felt a pull that seemed to get stronger the further I got. I listened to things around me hoping to identify who or what the beast was fighting.

The wind whipped my hair the faster Aurora galloped until finally I saw broken trees and branches leading the way to the fallen beast.

"Yah!" I called as I rode a couple hundred yards out.

I stopped, hurriedly getting off Aurora when I saw a silhouette illuminated by the darkness. It was covered by the branches and leaves it brought down from the fall. I began to walk towards it but abruptly stopped when I heard voices. I halted my movements and keeled to the ground putting my palm to the earth.

I could feel and hear them coming. A semi large group of the kings guard heading this way. I'd say there are at least ten men whistling and shouting as the approach. They are a couple yards out and I knew I had to leave before they decided to not let me go. The kings guard were disgusting men who loved to use women. If they caught one alone, it was a nightmare for her and her honor would be as good as gone. I was about to turn back to my horse when I felt a tugging at my heart. I looked back and felt its slow heart beat rumble beneath my feet. I grabbed Auroras reins and made my way to it.

I moved the branches and the fallen debris before I could see it's entire form. Once it was all gone I realized that it wasn't an it but a he. He was in human form with black hair and olive skin. He lay naked and out cold in the grass, still as the dead. I bent down to touch him when I felt how chilled his skin was and noticed the brand on his right shoulder blade. It was a strange symbol I didn't understand that looked like a mixture between a cross and an X.

I could feel them getting closer and I jumped up and untied the dragger from Auroras back. I went back and put my hands under his arms
and hoisted him up enough to drag him behind my horse. He was heavy and the energy he gave off told me he was a shifter but not a normal kind, he was a dragon and a powerful one at that.

Dragon shifters are abnormally tall, so you could imagine what it took to get this man's body on the dragger enough to where it would be safe for him. I extended it as best I could, tying him down to it so that he wouldn't fly off. I got on top of Aurora and began to turn her around when I heard them begin to run towards me at full force.

"Stop! In the name of the king!" A masculine voice yelled as he broke through the trees.

I turned my head to see the ten men pour from the tree line and into the open with archers ready to launch their arrows at me. The others had their swords drawn, ready for a fight. My cloak covered my face enough in the darkness to where they couldn't identify my sex. I didn't speak as they drew in closer and began to flank me. Aurora became nervous and began shifting back and forth. I knew she was ready to bolt and I was counting on that.

That's when someone shot out of the trees and took the reins holding us in place. They dragged me off and ripped off my cloak showing my garments and face. They pushed me to my knees before the leader of their brigade. I sat on my launches unmoving and quiet. Looking at the sprounting blue pixie flowers, anticipating what's to come.

"Oh, look what we have here. A pretty little lass assisting a dragon." He said and he rolled one of my dark curls between his fingers.

"You're a healer. Look, she has the markings." One said.

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