•Chapter I•

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•Chapter I•

It started with a whisper...
And ended with a scream.


I could smell the snow... I've always been able to smell the snow before it started to fall. And every year I knew the townspeople would filter in for medicines, despite my reputation. I did my work through barter while the one in town never wavered from his usual price that most couldn't afford. Though a few of the nobles liked the idea that I was mystic, no matter how many times I denied it.

My windows lay open, so the morning sun could filter in and hit the drying herbs that hung on the wall. The fire crackled as the water boiled and Eucalyptus and lavender filled the air. It kept my nose from getting stuffy with the weather change, as I was higher up the mountain than the other villagers. Originally it was to keep them away and keep myself hidden, all it took was healing one sick boy to cause the rest to seek me out. 

"Thank you for helping me, Rayna." Mrs. James said as she made her way to leave my cottage.

"Just because I gave my assistance doesn't I agree," I told her honestly.

Mrs. James has been a regular patient since I opened up as a healer when I was thirteen. But today she has confessed to me that she has been having an affair with the local blacksmith and suspected pregnancy.

"I know and neither do I but I have not bled in two full moons. He would kill me if he found out."

"Maybe you shouldn't have laid with another man to put yourself in this situation, Mrs. James. Your husband could have you imprisoned if you are not careful." I warn her as I wash my hands in the wooden bucket.

"I know but I do not love him." She confessed.

Mrs. James is merely twenty-four and has been married to a fifty-three-year-old nobleman since she turned fourteen which is the marrigable age in Willow Canyon. It is part of King Orian Kingdom but we are a three-and-a-half days journey from the McKinley Kingdom and considered to rest on neutral land. She has fallen in love with a blacksmith who is two years older than her and is now potentially carrying his child.

"Then why stay with him?" I ask.

I hear a sob break from her lips. I am not an emotional being and seeing her as such makes me uncomfortable.

"I do not know how... I am afraid that he would find me and kill me." She said.

I sighed. "Do you want this child?" I ask.

She nods vigorously.

"Do you want the blacksmith, Royar?" I ask.

She looks me in the eyes showing me how much love she has for the young man.

"I do."

"Then there is always a way out Mrs. James."

She comes to me and hold my hands tightly.

"Will you help me Rayna? Please, I am begging. Charles cannot have children and once my belly begins to swell he will realize my betrayal. I, nor my child will be safe." She said but I just stared at her thinking.

Her eyes leaking with fear, love, and pain. She falls to her knees and clings to my dress

"Please! I will forever be in your debt. I will pay you, give you anything I can."

"Stand." I order.

There are not many Magical beings in Orians kingdom. Being the most powerful caster on this plane
gives him an advantage over the other enchanted beings. He kills all he can so not to have the risk of being overthrown on his minf but there will always be one beast that he could never dispose of besides me. I was an enchanted being with many blessings but I've had to hide them to protect myself. I knew I was taking the risk of showing myself with how close she was.

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