•Chapter XXVIII•

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Chapter XXVIII

you're just a stranger with all of my secrets.


   I walked for miles until I could smell the fires of the camps and feel their trembles as they moved. I was going to do what is best by my people and by me, a world with the queen is a nasty place. A women with a wicked heart and a tainted soul is sure to damn everyone who she comes across. I've waited so long for this day that in the process I feel that I have lost part of myself over the years but when it is over, maybe I'll be able to rest for once.
I walked closer to the camp to see how many there were and also to see if Tatiana was among them which was highly unlikely. She's the type of person to make other people do her bidding and if you couple that with her siren magic, it wouldn't be hard to convince an army of men to follow a pretty queen. If she wasn't here then I needed a plan to get to her which I believed I had. She wanted me for her own sick pleasure, so she could torture me or kill me just like she wished she could do to my mother. She wanted a kingdom and fortune. She wanted to rule and didn't care how she gained it but the kicker was that enough would never be enough.

I could see at least a hundred men around the fire but that wasn't counting the men that could be in their tents. I looked at the fire and extended my hand towards it and felt my body warm as i gave into the fire. it swirled at my command gaining everyone's attention. They stood shocked at the shapes and the height of the flames. As they got closer I extended the flames until I finally made them spread to them all and watched as they burned. Screams echoed through out the forest as their pain intensified and all I could do was watch and believe that this was justice for my people as well as Octavian's. I'll burn them all if I have to until I get to Tatiana.

"There you are puppet." Said and scratchy voice before I felt something hit me over the head.

I fell to the ground with my hand fisting the soil in rage at the men who had hit me. I shifted quickly behind them and used their own blood against them as I twisted and bended it to my will. Their eyes showed fear at what, not even I knew I could do. It was like I was possessed and my body was doing this for survival or out of pure evil. I didn't like it and I couldn't bring myself to stop for a while until I watched their bodies drop to the ground.
I was suddenly no longer the puppet but the puppet master and they knew that and were terrified.

"This is how it's gonna work, you two are going to take me to the castle as your prisoner and take me to the queen." I demanded.

"And if we don't?" The older one of the two challenged.

"Then I will kill you and still use your bodies as puppets. Either way you're are going to do what I ask, but it's your choice if you want to be alive through it or not. Make a choice."

Of course I was lying about using their bodies weather they wanted me to or not because i never wanted to feel that darkness ever again. I know where it came from but I doubted it was good.

"You are a filthy Drüîd just like your mother." Spat the older man.

I felt that darkness return once again as I leaned real close. I've only ever heard of Drüîds in stories and they were always betrayed as dark witches that worshiped the shadows. i refused to think of my mother like that as everyone said she was kind and honorable... She just ended up loving the wrong man and having a bastard child which ended up getting her killed.

I grabbed the man by the throat and felt as his life drained out of him, soaking into the earth below him. i could feel the other man staring at me in horror and hear as he began to cry out for help but none came as the screams of the burning men continued into the night.

"Now, are you going to help me or am i just going to have to use your skin?" I asked and watched as he nodded in agreement all while tears ran down his face mixed with the blood of others which covered him.

I was going to end this tonight, even if it ended me.


Hai guys, I appreciate all the Support and I can't wait for the gran ending which will be a gut buster. But after u finish this book, u go check out the first couple Chapters of Wake Me When The Nightmare Ends.

P.S. I really need to polish up this book.

Later guys! Over and out.


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