•Chapter XXVII•

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•Chapter XXVII•

The sun will rise
And we will try again.


Octavian was sending me away with the children and other human bonders; he continuously made me feel weak compared to most of the clan, especially compared to him. He tried to make me believe it was to keep me safe, but I wasn't so easily fooled to believe his every word. 
Maybe he wanted to break the bond and have us go our separate ways and being farther apart made it easier for him to go through with it and if that were the case, I wasn't going to fight him any longer. I'm strong and had power to give to this fight. Octavian had to understand that it wasn't just about his people but mine as well, about the family I've lost to these barbarians who follow a witch who sits in the king's chair. All the time I've lost because of her jealousy and malevolent heart that mistook love for pride, wanting a man she could never have even in death.    

This was about revenge.

"You can't send me away. I won't let you. Send the children if you must but I'm not leaving." I said calmly.


"No! I knew you would try; you've talked about it before, but I will not leave because you have something to prove to me and your people. This isn't just your war; this is mine too."

"I know that."

"Then you can't just-"

"This is not up for debate!" He growled. "You're leaving this mountain tomorrow night and that's the end of it." He said and walked away.

 He made me so frustrated I wanted to scream. The ground shook beneath me at my rage but soon stopped as I fell to my knees in defeat, the wind whipping my hair against my cheeks. Every time I imagined the person who killed my family and my people taking her last breath, I pictured myself being the cause. I wanted to be the one to end her, even if it meant that it would result in my end as well.

It wasn't fair.

 The kids packed what they could carry and said goodbye to their families and Vivian only had a few books and drawing materials that she wanted to bring along to keep everyone occupied.
 Octavian didn't return to "our room" last night, completely avoiding me like he's been doing for months. If he wanted to distance himself than I'll do the same, not that he'd particularly notice a difference in my demeaner towards him. Boaz said farewell to my sister, holding her hand and leaning in closer that he needed to, her blushing cheeks gave away more than I'm sure she meant to. Without Orian, our father, or her mother around it fell on me for Boaz to ask if he wanted her hand and I wasn't fond of him barely sparing me so much as a glance when he left go of her and walked away. I wanted to scold her and tell her she was too young for him, but I decided against it not wanting to take out my bitterness on her, it was something I could talk to her about when all of this was said and done. Packing my things and preparing to leave felt wrong to me, like I was running away from this. Reluctantly, I walked down the mountain face with everyone else and placed what few things I had in the back of an extended carriage which would be drawn my four horses. 

I helped the children inside and got in after they were all settled and huddled to together, some crying out of fear of never seeing their parents again and I knew how it felt. the shear idea that this goodbye would be their last probably made most of them sick, but their parents could at least fight without worrying about their children. I would make sure they were safe.
  I looked back and didn't see Octavian anywhere, he didn't even want to say goodbye. By this point I could feel the bond cracking between us, and I believe he felt it to, but I doubt he even cared. I tried to hide the tears that came to my eyes from the others and waited to see his form descending down the mountain, accidentally too late to say goodbye or even better...Ask for me to stay. I needed to know if this was him letting me go, if this was our end. We got far enough to where I could no longer see the torches lining the mouth of the cave and sat back in my seat, bitter that he never came for me.

"Why do we have to leave?" Asked Marco, a young boy who lost his human mother a few years ago due to sickness.

"Because your parents want you safe." I spoke.

I could tell he was worried about his father as were the other children. They all had someone they loved in the mountain ready to fight to keep them alive and I knew the possibility of all of their loved one's surviving was low and I believe they already knew that.

We came to a sudden stop with the horses rearing up and back down, the loud neighs made me peek out to see what was had caused the commotion and watched as royal guards poured out of the trees. I walked to the opposite end of the carriage to speak to the driver who tried to calm the horses, grabbing and tugging the end of his cloak to get his attention.

"When I say go, you get as far away from here as you can. don't stop for anything." I whispered.

 He looked at me worriedly, wanting to tell me no but the look in my eyes told him that there wasn't much of a choice and reluctantly he nodded.

 I gripped Vivian by her arm and whispered to her to keep the children safe and distracted from what was about to happen, talking quickly as I watched the glow from their torches round the cart. The sound of their armor clanging as they walked made the children whimper while it only fueled my anger and survival instincts to kick in. I listened as on guard came around to the back and I perched myself there, waiting for him to pull back the fabric cover where i would meet him, ready for what was to come.
He pulled it back with forced and looked right at me as I blew wolfsbane powder into his eyes, blinding him and causing him to cry out as it burned and made its way throughout the rest oof his body. When I watched him slump to the ground with no more fight left in him, I jumped out of the carriage and yelled for the driver to go this gaining the attention of the other guards.
I removed the leather cloves that concealed my hands and dug my bare feet into the ground as the men flanked me on all sides. I stomped my feet making the ground shake which caused the men's once confident expressions wane as they individually disappeared when the earth opened up and devoured them. I watched as others flew back hitting trees boulders falling still on now calm ground.

"GO!" I yelled and watched as they drove further and further away from me.

The guards who were left surrounded me with swords held high, ready to fight. two at a time came at me, stumbling as I dodged and stabbed with my dagger only to fall when I felt an elbow connect with the middle of my back. I saw as another started for me, the only thought I had was of water and that was what I used, knowing that it wasn't my strongest gift, but I didn't bat an eye when I dragged a few of them into the fiver to drown. I was growing tired, but the few soldiers left were far from finished with me as they all ran at me with their swords held high ready to be driven through me. Outstretching my arms, I called for the stones to encase me and i brought my arms back together feeling the rocks surround me in a dome.  I lifted my right leg and stomped into the ground over and over again and heard them being crushed and dragged down in quicksand. Walking across the open space that was now littered with bodies and armor made me think about how easy it would be to end the war on my own... How easy it would be to destroy the Queen.

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