unending lust to spill man's evil blood

til th'whole of Earth can be a paradise                    50

for all—and him, who'll once again be one

as once the sun and moon were said to be

before man's evil split the Sky in two

and started conflict twixt the night and day,

the Cosmic Father torn asunder by

the horror of His children's evil deeds

upon their brothers' and their sisters' souls,

whom He can only watch destroy the form

of Earthly Mother whom He still must love,

despite the centuries since She succumb'd                60

to madness by Her children's hands, as He;

to sickness and to evil which corrupts

Her lands and morphs Her climates cruel now.

Pariah closes eye and hangs his head.

Despite the centuries since She succumb'd—

despite the year or more since she was burn'd

He still adores their Mother as She is—

he still adores the Maiden as she was.

He shakes himself from reverie and makes

to go on down the stairs and slip away                       70

into the night where once again he'll think,

reflecting on his thoughts and searching for

solution to corruption on his mind.

But at the bottom of the stairs awaits

in rocking chair the Owner at her hearth,

who turns from tending flame with poker's point

and gestures to Pariah: "Take a seat

and join an elder woman by the warmth.

It seems you're having trouble finding sleep;

perhaps you'd like a nightcap to relieve                   80

the tension keeping up your racing mind?

For I would urge ye not to roam the streets

at night within this neighbourhood, for though

I earlier did state my feeling safe,

I also have some common sense to keep

my purse containing coin and heart its blood."

Pariah shakes his head and says to her:

"I know a thing or two of handling thieves

and those with more malicious of intent;

appreciations for concern express'd                   90

and invitation to your fire's light

but I must breathe some air of fresher stock

if I'm to clear mine head and find my sleep,

which alcohol could not facilitate."

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