Chapter 16: Free at last

Start from the beginning

Selene/Marinette growled defensively at Luka as he inched closer to them. "Back off Luka." Selene growled.

  It may have sounded just like barking and growling, but the two wolves could understand each other perfectly.

"Ah, you must be Selene. It's so nice to finally meet you. My name is Nero, I'm Luka's wolf." The black wolf responded.

  Selene rolled her eyes. "I don't recall asking for your name, stupid little mongrel." Selene spat angrily.

  The black wolf growled in a way that seemed more like an evil laugh. "you're just as cold as your human version with the blue hair." Nero mused.

"Marinette and I share the same opinion of you. It's that simple." Selene responded.

Nero stepped towards Selene, he had a look of lust in his eyes. "I love it when you treat me so coldly." Nero said. Selene growled in defense again. "Get back!" She yelled again.

  "Make me."

   Selene/Marinette lunged at Luka/Nero and tried to bite their neck, but Nero dodged them.

  "Too slow." Nero taunted, earning a growl of disdain from Selene.

  Selene stood on her hind legs and slashed Nero's face with her front claws. Nero yelped in pain as blood trickled down the side of his face.

  He ran forward and head butted Selene in her stomach, knocking the wind out of her. She staggered for a moment before regaining her footing and she managed to dodge an attack from Nero.

   The fighting escalated between the two, with both of them injuring each other and neither of them showing any signs of stopping.


   Meanwhile, a certain blonde was wandering through the forest looking for his friend. He had a feeling that she would need his help.

~1 hour ago, with Adrien~

Adrien looked out his bedroom window, the moon was high in the sky. He stared up at the moon and sighed, he was concerned about Marinette. Adrien knew that Marinette could take care of herself, but he also knew that she hadn't been in a great state of mind lately and that the person she hated the most was out there with her at that very moment.

He thought about his friend and how she had saved his life and he felt that he owed her, so at that moment Adrien made a decision.

  "I can't just sit here and do nothing while Marinette is in the forest with Luka. She saved my life and I'm gonna repay the favor." He said standing up and running towards the door.

He knew that it was a stupid idea to get between two werewolves under a full moon, but he couldn't help it, he loved Marinette and he wanted to protect her. So with a look of pure determination on his face, he made his way to the forest.

~present time, with the fight~

Selene and Nero were still fighting each other and they were both injured severely. Selene's beautiful silver fur was now stained red with her and Nero's blood. The two wolves were panting and trying to catch their breaths.

  "Do you give up?" Nero questioned.

   Selene gave a breathy laugh. "Not a chance. I still have a lot more fight left in me." She said as she and Nero once again lunged at each other.


   Meanwhile Adrien who was wandering the forest, heard the growls and yelps and he ran in the direction of the fight. When Adrien reached the two wolves, he was horrified to see what bad shape Marinette was in.

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