Chapter 12: This will be so much fun

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  "Well, I'm waiting. What do you want Luka?" Marinette asked impatiently. She heard his smug chuckle on the other side of the phone.

"What's with the tone? Aren't you happy to hear from me?" He taunted.

Marinette rolled her eyes. "Let's dispense with theatrics. Tell me why your calling me." She said getting more annoyed by the minute.

"Very well Marinette. I wanted to let you know that I'll be visiting Paris next week and I'll be coming to see you." Luka said.

  Marinette's blood boiled just hearing that. "I have no desire to see you. I told you that when I left China. If you come near me, I'll break your nose." She said angrily. Luka just laughed at her. "What ever did I do to earn such ire Marinette ?" He asked.

  "You know exactly what you did, so stay the fuck away from me!" She yelled before hanging up the phone.

Marinette buried her face in her pillow and screamed as loud as she could. "I hate that bastard so fucking much!!!" She exclaimed in anger.

  She could picture the smug look on his face right now, and just thinking about it made her start to shift into her wolf form. Marinette took deep breaths in and out, trying to calm herself down. She was so angry that she could kill someone right now.

  "I can't believe that he's coming to Paris next week. This is my worst nightmare." She grumbled to herself. Suddenly there was a knock at her door and her mother came in. "Marinette, I heard yelling. Is everything okay?" She asked.

  Marinette sighed in defeat, she couldn't lie to her mother anymore. "I just got off the phone with Luka." Marinette said with bitterness in her voice.

  Her mother gasped in shock and ran to her daughter's side. "That boy?! What did he want?!" She asked worriedly.

  "He's visiting Paris next week and he's coming to see me." Marinette said. "That'll be nothing but trouble." Sabine said. "Tell me about it. Whenever he's around, disaster follows." Marinette said in agreement.

She was shaking in anger, so Sabine gave her a hug and said "Don't worry, we'll get through this. Besides, he's only visiting right?" She said trying to comfort her daughter.

  "I suppose you're right and there's no use fretting over it now. Luka's visiting Paris whether we want him to or not." Marinette said with a pained smile on her face. Sabine kissed the top of her daughter's head and sighed. 'I hate that boy. After what he did to my daughter, he doesn't deserve mercy. ' she thought angrily.

  And so began a week of anticipation of the hell that was to come.

~1 week later~

  Marinette had been in a foul mood for the entire week, she couldn't stop thinking about that idiot who should be arriving in Paris sometime this week.

  She had just gone through the motions of life the past week. Everyone could tell something was off with Marinette. She'd barely even spoken two words to anybody but Luna.

To distract herself, she spent all of her time taking care of her daughter and playing with her. Luna brought her comfort.

Suddenly there was a knock on her door and she made her way over and opened it. To her surprise Luka was standing in her doorway.

  Marinette frowned in annoyance. "How do you know where I live?" She asked. Luka smirked. "I have my ways." Marinette rolled her eyes. "Stalker." She mumbled under her breath, though she knew Luka heard her.

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