Chapter 1: Prologue

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Marinette's POV:

I can't believe it's been 8 years since I've walked these streets and slept in this room. I'm so glad that my parents were able to buy back the bakery. Now we don't have to go through the hassle of finding a new home.

   I told Alya and all my friends that I was coming back today. She told me that she's gonna drop by for a visit later. I've missed all my friends so much and I've kept in contact with them, but I haven't physically seen them since the day we moved away. I'll never forget that day.

~ flashback to the day Marinette moved away~


  Sabine's POV:

   Is that girl still asleep? Jeez, she'll end up sleeping right through moving day at this rate. We still have so much to do and her friends will be here any minute.

"Marinette, get up and get dressed or you won't have any time to spend with your friends!!"


Marinette's POV:

   I'm so tired. I was up all night packing the last of my things. I can't believe I'm leaving today. I love this bakery and I love Paris, I wish I didn't have to leave. All my friends are here and now I have to leave them to go live in China... it's not fair.

"I'm up mom. I'll be down in a few minutes!!" I yelled back to my mom.

'My hair is a mess. Today I think I'll put it in a bun instead of pig tails.' I thought as I pulled my hair up into a tight bun. I made sure that there were no loose strands hanging out.

"Marinette, Alya and the others are here!" My mom called from the bottom of the stairs.

   I rolled my eyes. She was being too loud and it was too early in the morning for noise. "I'm coming mom!" I shouted in an annoyed tone.

I'm going to make today a good day. I'm gonna spend time with my friends and say my proper goodbyes.


3rd person's POV:

   Marinette was 10 years old, she had grown up in Paris with all of her friends and she was very sad to leave them. However the two people she would miss most are her best friend Alya and her crush Adrien.

   She had made up her mind that she was gonna tell Adrien how she felt before she moved away, but she kept chickening out.


Adrien's POV:

    Marinette came down the stairs in her usual awkward manner, it's adorable. I love how shy and awkward she is, it suits her. I can't believe that after today I might never see her again. I'm too much of a chicken to tell her how I feel. Besides it wouldn't make a difference, she's leaving anyway.


Marinette's POV:

   Adrien is standing amongst a crowd of people, but he stands out. I really hope that today is the day that I can tell him how I really feel. It would be nice to tell him before I go.

"Hey girl! We came to give you a proper send off!" Alya said with a big smile on her face.

  I smiled sadly. "Thanks you guys. I'm gonna miss you all so much." Alya gave me a sympathetic smile. She was going to miss me just as much as I'm gonna miss her.

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