Chapter 4: First day troubles

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Marinette woke up before the sun was even in the sky. It was what she always did during a full moon week. As a werewolf, Marinette was naturally prone to aggression and she had gotten good at controlling her temper, however full moon weeks were different.

  During the week leading up to the full moon, Marinette would be extra aggressive as her wolf side was trying to take over. She was also more likely react to smaller things and bring on her transformation.

  In order to prevent any problems, Marinette would wake up before the sun rose and go for an extremely long run to expend some energy.

Even though she'd been doing the same routine for five years now and had only transformed by accident twice, Marinette knew that this week was different, because it would be her first week back at school and that means more chances for her to lose her temper or become stressed out. So she got up, stretched and left her house to go on her run.

~small time skip~

   Coming back from her run three hours later, Marinette realized that she only had and hour and a half before she had to leave for school. Marinette hopped in the shower, brushed her hair, put on her clothes and made breakfast for everyone.

After getting Luna ready for the day, Marinette took one last look in her bathroom mirror to make sure that her long hair was cooperating, then she took a deep breath and walked out the front door.


Thanks to her super speed, Marinette made it to school before the bell even went off. It was the first time she'd ever been on time to school. After all, she had been kicked out of the school in China and was instead homeschooled by her parents and some tutors.

Standing in front of the school, Marinette took a deep breath. She was ready for this. She had been waiting for this moment ever since she left Paris.

   This was the moment where she would see all her friends again. Unfortunately, Marinette's legs wouldn't move forward. She was paralyzed with fear about all the things that could go wrong if she entered.

People passed by Marinette and entered the school and yet she couldn't will herself to move forward.

  But then a familiar voice rang from behind her and Marinette's whole body relaxed. "Girl, why are you just standing out here? The bell will ring any minute." Alya said.

   Marinette turned around to see her best friend smiling at her. "I guess I'm just a little nervous about seeing everyone again. It's been 8 years after all." Marinette said.

   Alya laughed and smiled at her. "You haven't changed a bit. Still that awkward and nervous girl. It's endearing."

   A little annoyed by her comment, Marinette wanted to bite back, but she couldn't risk getting in a fight that triggered her transformation. So instead she gave a fake smile and said "I guess you're right. I'm still that girl. You'd think that after 8 years, I would be over this awkward phase."

   Alya put her hand on Marinette's shoulder to reassure the bluenette. "Let's go in together." Alya said with a big smile. Marinette nodded and walked in with her friend.


Meanwhile, in the classroom everyone was taking their seats. "Dude wanna sit next to me again this year?" Nino asked Adrien. "Sure man." Adrien replied with a smile. The two friends fist bumped and then took their seats.

"I wonder what's keeping Alya, she's usually here by now." Nino said concerned. Adrien put his hand on Nino's shoulder and said "I'm sure she's fine. It's Alya after all." Nino smiled and both friends let out a chuckle.

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