Authors note ( please read till the end) an explanation

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Hey everyone, it's been a while I know. I totally suck for just disappearing like this and not saying anything. My life just became totally crazy these past few weeks, I know that's no excuse though.

  I've taken some time to re assess my love of writing fanfics for everyone and I have realized that the reason I have so much trouble writing these miraculous fanfics is because I'm not really with this fandom. Please don't hate me for saying this, especially since I promised I would finish these stories. And I will, but it probably won't be anytime soon.

I need to take some time and try to regain my passion for this fandom. So until further notice these stories are on hiatus. I promise that eventually, I will finish them. In the meantime, feel free to read my new story that's based on a fandom I absolutely adore. 🥰

I know that this is probably little consolation, especially because people have been writing me and telling me to continue my stories.

As an apology, I thought I'd tell you guys a bit about myself so you guys will hopefully understand my strange personality and terrible attention span.

Name: Zoe Friedlander. Isabel Lander is my pen name. I used my middle name and the last few letters of my last name to create it.

Age: 20, I'll be 21 in six months. I got into this fandom kinda late. It's another reason that I have trouble writing.

Star sign: Gemini

Likes: anime, writing, spending time with my friends and family, sweets, and the outdoors (only in warmer months)

  Dislikes: cold weather, ignorant people, my old high school, bananas, a lot of other foods, politics, having no inspiration

The reason I have such a short attention span when it comes to writing and many other things is because I have ADHD and Bipolar. I'm proud of my disabilities, but they can cause me a lot of problems that are completely inconvenient. And I'll be honest here, another reason that I've had so much trouble writing lately is because I have been suffering from depression. But I'm doing much better now and am starting to write again.

I hope that you all will continue to support my stories and that you can forgive me for taking such a long time to write new chapters.

I'm really sorry again 😐. Anyway thanks for your support and I will be back soon enough! 🙂

March 12th, 2024:

Hi everyone! It's been quite a while huh? A little over 3 years to be exact. I'm so glad to see how many people have read this story. It truly warms my heart. I just wanted to say a quick hello. I'm editing this story a bit so it flows better and the grammar could use some work.

Don't worry though, this book is 100% completed and nothing will change that. I just want it to be written as best as can possibly be, and that means it needs some work. I'm not gonna change anything about the story.

Okay, that's all. Have a wonderful time reading and thanks again!

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