chapter 24

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Finally things started going well for me after sending the packages and her diary to the police, she finally arrested and Dylan will be coming out of jail by tomorrow. I couldn't be happier. I went back to the black market got the attachment out of my face waiting for the day to go and welcome Dylan from jail.

I was so happy but still I was so disappointed at jade for killing Alysia just because of a guy, well as far things are going well for me I had no big deal.

It was the day for dylans realese and I was first to get there.

"I miss you Dylan, I worked out my way to get to out of here. I love you" I said to him ad hugged gim.

"stop it dani" he said and pulled me away.

I was quiet

"whats wrong?"

"stop this madness, theres nothing going on between us so please stop" he said.

"what does all the time for, the time we spent together in love and harnmony whats making you do this"I told him

"how could you fall in love so quickly" he said as I went dumb founded.

"leave me alone and never come close to me"

I dragged him back

"but I love you so much, don't do this to me"I said as he left me standing there.

I wanted to go and stop him but I saw him with his parents and a girl hugging him.

"I miss you so much dy" the girl said to dylan.

He turned


Standing in front of my parents house I was shaking. What was I going to say.

"mum im so sorry"I said when my mum opened the door. She hugged me.

"you aren't a murderer sweetie" she said, as she took me in. my dad wasn't home. I wish he was but I don't think he would be happy to see me with the way my mum was acting when I brought him up.

"do you think dad would be bad" I asked.

"no darling, go and freshen up and ill maje your fav im so happy today" she said to me.

Going back home, I felt so much better, bad hideouts or uncomfortable room.

"what is she doing here" my dad said, he was mad.

" ps jack stop acting this way, our daughter just came back home" my mum said to him.

"I don't want ot se her in my house" he said as I went upstairs to my room. I couldn't take it, I didn't expect him to like that, it was worse than I expected.

I started thinking of me and dylans experience in the few times we spent.

Our first night, the first time he told me he loved me. I still got some tingles in my blood when I remember that. We didn't have enough memories but the fact I fell for him during all this run away and hide out moments was the best.

"why did Dylan change so fast, his love sounded so real to me" I said to myself.

The next day I left home because I didn't want any talks about me.

"hey Dylan I really have to see you pls" I told him on call.

"please leave me alone" he said.

"just this last time and ill never disturb you again" I said.

He agreed and we met at kfc to talk.

"so what do you want" he said as I held his hand and stared at his eyes

"I know when you said you loved me you meant it, you can tell me whats wrong" I said.

"im bethroted to the girl" he said facing down, it brought an electric shock to me

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