chapter 1

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hey beautiful person reading this book, This is actually a rough copy.... Do not mind most of the mistake in this story, if you have a complaint you can comment, I'll always get back to you. I hope you enjoy it.

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Faster than I thought, I was done dressing. I wore a beautiful blue, body fifting short gown with my special red sneakers. I packed my blonde hair pony tail and was ready to hit the party. The makeup was so bam, I would make everyone dare stare at me like I am a celebrity. I had the stature of a model not exactly because i was better, I was the perfect figure eight shaped girl. And a lot of people has confessed how I beautiful looked. Maybe because I was the only child and I feel all the beauty from both my mum and dad came to me.

One thing I knew people always talk about was my beautiful brown glassy eyes but I always envied people with the blue.

Everything I wore always looked perfect on me, but this night I bought this dress especially for this day. Celebrity's children and also social media influencers would be there and this could grow my social media presence that was so important if I still want to be the most famous girl in school. Not everyone like me in school got this opportunity and this party could guarantee my remaining 1 years of fame for me in high school. And maybe later in college.

I've always wanted to be a social media influencer and I knew this party would create chances for me to meet different people, even brand owners

Everyone waited for this day, the secret party. Not everyone in school and outside was invited to this party, it was for only the special people. And It was hard to believe I was considered one of those people.

My friends back in school asked me how I got invited to the party, and all I could say is I'm famous bitch. But that was a lie, Alysia went to the same summer lesson as I did and that was how we knew each other, thou we weren't in good terms but I still got invited anyways.

It was a night that, none of our parents knew about this, we were all sneaking out at 10pm just to attend this party.

I was happy and nervous, my mum was out for the night, and she had a shift in the hospital. And my dad has been in his room since we had dinner, he had a rough day at work and will obviously be resting.

Heading to the party was a very difficult task, I had to make sure my dad was at sleep and I sneaked out through the door, yes I could I had my own spare keys of the house.

"hey" I called, I guess he was the secret conductor of the party,

"hi, the party is holding through the back door, go to the back and take the second door then the fifth door on the left of the hall will lead you to the party" he replied.

"Thanks" I said as I headed for the party

Whoa. The party was so beautiful, I knew Alysia could be able to throw any party of any kind.

Her father was a big business man plus he was a politician and her mother was once a super model and known all over the globe they were celebrities, she only decided to retire to focus on her new cosmetic and skin care line she brought out last 5 months and Alysia had access to everything so yes she could, but I doubt Mr. and Mrs. Reginald would be happy.

Even with everything they have, they trained Alysia differently and that was what made them stand out this could ruin their reputation if anyone found out about this.

This was why she made sure everyone attending this party was written in an attendant list. Such a classy party.

Wow. I said after I saw Alysia.

Alysia was so beautiful and I was always jealous of her. She had blue eyes and she had such a nice black long wavy hair, she took after her mother and she was so beautiful. her parents was so rich that she could afford such an expensive clothing.

My parents are rich but not so rich to get a dress made for almost 50000 dollars. The only dislike was that she was so rude, and also thought people where below her because of the money she receives from her parents.

I was enjoying the party and Everything was going well, but Alysia decided to come up with what I hated the most, I hated it when someone accused me of what I didn't do, it upsets me a lot and could also lead to a fight.


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