chapter 11

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I hid in the toilet, until we were sure the police was gone. Dylan was such a darling helping me get home before leaving. I sneaked back to the room and changed to my SpongeBob pajamas.

Dylan is so cute, I just met him and I'm impressed with his attitude towards me. I use to think he has a bad attitude towards people but this few hours with him felt really priceless.

I went to school with the hope I had someone at least that would make my problem a little less depressing for me but I was joking with myself, like why does he keep making me feel he's bad. Dylan knew I needed someone for support, I know we just met but he should know how difficult it is for me at this situation.

I didn't see him in class and also didn't see him at school since today, "has the police taken him or what "I kept saying in my mind.

"I'm sorry dani" jade said, she was just apologizing so she could come back to me and hang around with me.

"Its fine" I said I didn't care anymore. All the people I always had around me was fake, everyone wanted to use me for the little fame I had both in school and on social media.

"I've been seeing you around the media with your new boyfriend, josh" eve; Lyn said sarcastically as I looked away from them.

"Yes, josh is so cute, he got me flowers yesterday I mean we just started dating and his already doing things for me" jade said.

"Wow, you shouldn't post too much thou before Lauren step on you" Evelyn said. "She wouldn't dare? "Jade said as I turned to her.

"She should if she want to, I mean her boyfriend was sto..." I said as someone cut me with a pat.

"Hey" Dylan whispered in my ear,

"hey where were you all this while" I said as he took me away from my friends as I waved them bye. I couldn't notice them anymore but I was sure they would be gossiping about it.

They would want to know who Dylan was, he could beat josh at beauty or any of the guys jade dated and I knew they would be jealous by now staring at me leave with Dylan.

"Where were you" I asked him. "I sneaked out of the school wanted to get around some people"Dylan said.

"im scared, I feel they have found my lipstick" I said to him. "I doubt, they are supposed to report to you if they found evidence and I heard they were still in search of the sign in list and they haven't found anything yet" I responded.

Dylan saying this, I became more scared. I didn't want to believe that the police has my lipstick with them. It couldn't be happening.

"Are we doing our project today" I asked him,

"I don't want to fall back academically, I'm already back with the life I have" I said again to him. "What you want me to say, that I have something for the project, here" he said handing over the phone to me. "Take it" he said as I collected it from his hand. "Now you can use my phone and search for it at least I helped, ordo you have your phone I doubt." He said. Our school does not accept bring phone, it was prohibited so I had to start up with searching on what we were going to do for the project.

"Uhmm you have a notification from the school group chat" I said as I gave him back his phone and stared at him. "Oh no!" he screamed. "Uhmm what" I said curious. "What is it Dylan" I said again this time was about yelling. He gave me the phone and I checked what it says.

Dylan Dickson, the most famous guy in school, is going around with Daniella hunters. Dylan has been hiding his girlfriend for a long time now and does this mean we finally found them.

Dylan's new girlfriend Daniella hunters has been found together holding hands others has said they found them kissing in a class.

"Jeez how are people such liars" I said as I looked at Dylan. He stared back at me

"but they didn't say anything wrong" he said as I stared at him.

Lipstick✔//Daniella Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat