chapter 4

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I was so excited when we decided to go to the cafeteria, I grabbed my lunch, I always ate home food because the school food wasn't so good, beef burger and chips was the only things i could ever buy from the school cafeteria.. I don't ever forget my soda and apples they were very important in my diet.

"People have been talking about your new Instagram post jade??" Evelyn said, as I was concentrating on my food. I was so hungry because of the heart attacks I've been feeling throughout today.

"Yes I know right" jade said feeling like a star smiling. "Lauren commented about abortion again" Evelyn reported.

"What does she want from me" jade said.

jade has been in a beef with lauren, there was a news about jade being pregnant and that was what lead to her last break up. everyone has confirmed she did an abortion but jade will never ever admit it.

Lauren hated our clique. Because of me we were the most popular group in school, and Lauren was so jealous she tried all the way to ruin our reputation, I don't know why she was so jealous, and enough guys were after her. She was beautiful, and also tall. She was almost every guys spec, the long dark hair, and brown eyes. But she ruined it with her attitude and her envy. Most especially her quest to ruin people.

I'm calm, it doesn't affect my reputation if she got an abortion or not. She ruined her reputation not mine.

Few minutes past, and I kept feeling someone was staring at me. I couldn't stop myself from feeling that way as time went by.

I turned to my right then to my left, then back and almost everywhere. Our eyes meet. He had a black hood on with a grey jeans, normal brown eyes but the sexiest I've ever seen, pink lips wasn't my thing but hes lips made me start questioning myself, and his  brown black hair was the cause of attraction too. His hair was covering his left eye and I could stop but I kept staring at him. He smirked at me and it made me so nervous

Does he like me? Why is he lost looking at me? I feel he's definitely in love with me ... I can't believe such a cute guy will be over me, I came back to real life after some time. Oh no... Does he know about me, does he know I was at the party? Why does he keep staring at me? I became really scared of his stare now.

Maybe he's going to stop soon. I said as I continued eating removing my thoughts and eyes from him and trying to act cool like nothing was happening.

"Have you heard from luca" I said to jade, I knew she has been waiting for someone to bring that up she was still not over luca. "Yes, I saw him on Saturday in target, such a coincident" she said. "Did you guys talk, did he approach you?" I said like I was ever interested when I wasn't. "I guess, he wanted to but I had to, he didn't have the courage" she said.

Luca will never approach anyone even if he was wrong I know it everyone knows that.

"I will visit him today. He just lost his ex-girlfriend, so I have to be there for him" she said.

"Not bad" I replied.

Our eyes meet again, yes me and that guy on the hoodie. He still kept staring at me. I quickly rushed my food and look for a wat to leave there.

"Girls could you excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom" I said. Though I really need to use the bathroom but I never use the school bathroom, I never use a public bathroom, but that could take me away from all this talks and news and stare and just everything. I WAS GETTING FED UP, my heart screamed for help.

I finally got to the bathroom, I used it and decided to wash my hands, still in the bathroom they was still murmurs and talks about the murder, it was getting me disgusted.

How could people be so cut up about someone else life? Why can't people focus on school work? Why is this even happening to me? I asked myself all this questions.

I decided to wash my hands and get the hell out of that place, what took my eye there, I saw a girl applying her makeup and this took me to another world of thought.

Oh no! How could I forget my lipstick in a murder scene? How could I run and leave my lipstick behind?

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Lipstick✔//Daniella Where stories live. Discover now