Personality: This boy is almost always paranoid about something, he is usually very cautious around new people and will often be suspicious of their 'true intentions'. Although his paranoia gets noticeably a lot worse when he doesn't get enough sleep. He is weirdly decisive and specific and if he gets an idea in his head he will almost always do it. He is ambitious, almost to an unhealthy degree and will lock himself in his lab and deprive himself of self-care until he gets the answer he wants. He adores science (especially chemistry and biology) and 'seeing how things tick'. However, he's not very good at understanding other people's emotions but he is getting better at it. He is generally a very curious person and will ask a lot of questions. He is also quite selfish and usually only has his best interests in mind, if there was a fire for example he would just flee without even giving the other people in the building a second thought. He is usually quiet and serious and his sense of humor is tinged with a fair bit of satire. Even though he likes to think of himself as logical he can often have a hard time regulating his own emotions. He is very aware of this and often tries to hide them or block them out. This can sometimes lead to emotional outbursts and sort-of-kind of tantrums type things (idk it's late and i'm tired). He can be a bit bratty and a little childish at times such as if he messes up he'll immediately pin the blame on someone else. If he doesn't like you he will make it known through passive-aggressive comments and indirectly insulting you. He is screechy and tiny bit neurotic, although most of the screechy and neuroticism can probably be blamed on his lack of sleep. He likes his space and doesn't like crowds since he finds them dirty and claustrophobic. He is a little prideful and has a distaste for asking for help.

Okay, I REALLY like his personality. I can really get a good grip on what kind of person he is and I think it matches his appearance well. He's got that slightly disturbed scientist vibe going on and I live for it. I also love how you added that he's not 100% morally benevolent. It adds much more interest to his character. His emotional immaturity is also a good contrast to his intelligence and he has the personality for some really good dialogue. But even with all the detail you provided I still think he can be a bit further characterized. Add how he reacts to pressure, how he deals with his feelings etc. You know what I mean? Get deep into those layers.

weakness: Braxton is self-destructive, he deprives himself of self-care until the thing his working on is complete and sometimes makes things harder for himself because of his pride and not wanting to ask for help ever. He is selfish and often forgets to think of other people before himself. Not gonna lie, he is a little obsessive and has a hard time understanding basic morals. Struggles with social cues. He can also be very possessive and will quite literally growl at you if you touch something of 'his'. Generally not a very pleasant person to be around, he also outright refuses to talk to most new people that come into the house and will instead just glare at them until they leave. Fairly decisive when he gets an idea in his head he will just do it without really thinking about the consequences.

You set him up for some potentially very satisfying character development/arcs here. I like his unfriendliness and lack of self-importance. It'll make for some really adorable scenes where he can get cared for by other characters and can be used as a tool for character interactions. ;)) He's really endearing and kinda reminds me of Hank from Detroit become human and Ray from The Promised Neverland (my faves) too lol.

strengths: Braxton is quite an intelligent individual and can quickly solve problems (remember being intelligent doesn't necessarily make you wise). He is very curious and leaves no stone unturned. He is quite inventive and can come up with new exciting ideas quite easily and new ways of thinking about things. This character is very ambitious and usually knows exactly what they want. He also has a fairly unique way of thinking about things and doing things. He's pretty objective and is also a fairly persistent guy and usually completes the thing he says he's going to complete.

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