• Prologue •

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He was an inspiration.
Breaking records and standing at the pinnacle.
He was a king, who inspired a nobody like me to continue down this unknown path I'd been treading with a blindfold on.

I was shocked when I saw that he replied to my comment, that I didn't even know it before I found myself looking at my own body in a pool of my own blood as a hooded man laid motionless besides me in a pool of his own blood...

Was he trying to save me?
Is that why he was also dead?

It was then that I felt an odd presence approach me. His black hood covered his entire face, except for his plump lips.

A smirk appeared on his lips as he bought his scythe up. I shut my eyes as a gust of wind brushed past me...

When I reopened my eyes, I was surprised to find that instead of nothingness, I was in fact laying atop a silk bed. I gasped in surprise as what I assumed was a maid approached me caring some folded traditional clothing in her hands.

"Your Highness, please wake up soon. The King is expecting you" it was then that it hit me... it was that nightmare again... the one of being in an unfamiliar place with buildings made out of clear bricks reaching the skies above.

The place of my dream was odd and surly from a fantasy. There were boxes and small bricks that had moving people and places trapped inside. It was truly a magical and fantastical place...


It was just a dream... But if it was just a dream, why did it feel so real and vivid? Why does my heart beat so much thinking of a place created from my imagination?


Why does my heart also ache? Seeing my body and that man's covered in a pool of crimson felt so real... my hands began to shake as I thought of it...

"Your highness...?" My maid rushed to my side as I shook my head. It was all likely due to seeing my husband kill all those men yesterday in front of his chambers.

"Is the King awake?" I ask, trying to act as calm as possible. I dis not want to appear as a weak queen...

It's not that I'm afraid that the King would toss me aside... no... that's not what I'm afraid of... what I'm truly afraid of is his murderous rage if someone were to say something against me.

The last man to utter his disapproval of me was pulled apart by horses and fed to the pigs who were then killed, cooked, and fed to the man's family...

I couldn't do anything about it, it was not my place as his wife... I wouldn't blame the family if they hired assassins to kill us. I would have done the same...

"Your Highness? Is something on your mind?" She asked, a bit troubled because she would surely be punished for displeasing me in anyway.

"I am well, please prepare my dress" I commanded as I stood up. I followed her to the baths and quickly got in as more servants entered and helped me bathe.

The King was displeased at having others touch me, but he knew better than to break those customs. But... if I had to say anything of this matter, I would have rather bathe myself. Having others examine your body and touch you was not something that I was comfortable with. I felt as if every little detail of mine was never private...

Within a few minutes the servants had finished bathing me and swiftly dressed me up. The King loves crimson, so the servants in fear of angering him dressed me up in the finest crimson silk.

My heart grew heavier as I walked towards the King's chamber. I tried my best to not glance at the grounds, but it was enviable. Guards were running about doing their best to clean the remnants of blood and corpses left behind due to last night's meetings.

A sigh escaped my lips as I quickly shifted my focus to the King's chambers. His head eunuch bowed to me once because turning and doing the same to the King's door and announcing my arrival "Her Highness, the Queen has arrived"

"Let her in" came his commanding voice from the other side of the door.

The eunuch bowed once more as he opened the door for me. The King hated having others follow me in, so I went in alone towards his chambers.

I tried my best to calm my nerves as I approached his doors. The unmistakable scent of steel wafted in the air and no matter how strong the fragrances he used were, it would never veil the scent of blood and death.

The guards outside the King's bedroom doors bowed to me before opening the doors. I walked in confidently and once I was completely inside, the guards shut the doors, trapping me in the room with a ruthless bloodthirsty killer of a king.

I froze when my eyes met his...

It was the same...

The black haired man I admired in my dream... he looked exactly like the king!

Just then I felt my head start to pound as my knees grew weaker. Screams began to surround me as my vision grew darker and darker.

I saw a darkened silhouette rush towards me and-

I saw a darkened silhouette rush towards me and-

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