The Full Moon Murderer

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"Not a word. Just keep moving." Magnus instructed.

Lilith narrowed her gaze as the surprise disappeared from her eyes, now replaced by anger. A smile emerged on Magnus' lips and he questioningly raised his brow with defiance, returning her steely gaze. The two assassins stared at each other in silence, all the while the smile didn’t budge from Magnus' lips. Then, Lilith reluctantly returned his smile, a sign that she had given in and Magnus nodded, revelling that he accepted her momentarily submission. 

The assassin knew all too well that if she made a scene, she would not survive the night. Magnus would kill her. Immediately and without question in the middle of this hotel lobby, and without anyone even noticing. He would drive the knife into her back, hitting the point that led directly to her heart. He would consume her sounds of pain with a kiss until she took her last breath. It would be quick, and for any onlookers, they would seem like a couple in love, who couldn't get enough of each other. 

It wouldn’t be the first time that Magnus had ended someone’s life this way and he was sure that Lilith was aware of it. Magnus pressed his knife closer to her back, cutting her coat open a little. Instead of wincing and moving away from him, Lilith wrapped an arm around his waist. She placed her head on his shoulder and then they walked to the elevator, closely entwined.

"You took a lot of time to find me." Her voice was little more than a whisper.

"You covered your tracks pretty well," he replied just as quietly.

Magnus had no problem admitting that Lilith had managed to fool him for so long. She was good. Magnus knew that and Lilith was well aware of it. But Magnus was also one of the best in the order, so it had been only a matter of time before he found her.

The elevator door opened with a soft ping and the two assassins entered the small receptacle, which was in no way substandard to the old appearance of the hotel. Lilith pressed one of the buttons and with a jerk, the elevator started to move. Another guest entered on the second floor, and the man grimaced when he realized that he had to accompany them to the sixth floor before the elevator would take him down to the lobby. Neither of the two assassins said a word and Lilith leaned heavily against him, pretending to be exhausted. 

The other guest had to get out on the sixth floor because Magnus made no move to let Lilith out of his tight grip. Ignoring the other man's angry murmurs, the assassin entered the hotel hallway with Lilith.

"What's your room number?"

"Six hundred and sixty-six"

"That's a joke, isn't t it? "

"No, why? "

Magnus shook his head and almost snorted in amusement. Without answering her question, he pulled the assassin down the hall until they arrived in front of her room. Lilith reached into her coat pocket and Magnus watched her every move closely, expecting her to pull out a weapon. But it was only the hotel card she used to open the door to her room.

He pushed Lilith in front of him and into the hotel room, the knife still pressed against her back, he closed the door behind them. The room was sparsely furnished, a simple bed took up most of the space. The floral pattern of the duvet stood out and was a stark contrast to the otherwise simple and antique decor of the hotel. Magnus thought the cover would have been more fitting in his late grandmother's bedroom than this hotel. 

The only other furniture in this room was a desk and a wardrobe next to the bed. A door to Magnus' left led to a small bathroom where you shouldn't linger too long if you have claustrophobia.

Lilith moved to the desk and picked up a packet of cigarettes. Then she leant against the tabletop and crossed her feet at her ankles. She wrapped one arm around her torso and rested the other arm on it. The cigarette glowed between her fingers as she took a long draw on it, then disappearing for a moment behind in a smelly cloud of smoke.

Assassin, until the first moment (🇬🇧)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz