5 ♞ Confidant in Kelvin's Manor

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Pearl's P.O.V

I hit my head to the hard surface, furrowing my brows in frustration. This wasn't the hardest part of the plan yet, looks like I have to find another object shaped as a javelin will have to do. Looks like that pen might have to stay there for an eternity, I wish it the best of luck before scanning the room again.

As my eyes met the window, outside you could see the tree tops of the forest, where I remembered how the foliage towered above the carriage when I got here. I suddenly felt lucky that losing the pen may have not been such a bad idea, I may need to thank the pen for disappearing before I could continue my badly thought out plan. It would've never worked, so thanks to it, I could avoid getting attention as I thought up another escape procedure.

If you were wondering what have gone wrong, I didn't plan past the present. I still need to plan the future, unlike back in the village days where you've got to enjoy today because you may not have enough food to for you to survive the next. But now, planning the future will only find you the best path, where before, you had no path to take. But now, I've been sent to London, the place which was my forgotten desired destination.

I recited my original plan to see what I could add on to improve it. The original purpose was to get the pen and aim for the weak point of one of the two sticks holding up the mirror, which I would've easily hit. Then with the mirror crashing down, no doubt will it capture the attention of the residents of the manor, I would have the possibility to use the shards broken off to cut the rope which was holding me captive and to escape outside through the window. But what would I have to gain with the evidence of being so high up given the sight of the window.

I wouldn't have been to get out either way.

My mind should've calculated that the master bedroom would've never been designed to be at the bottom floor as it would be where most likely attackers would target.

With no one to show weakness to, I sighed with no prevail to creating another genius plan.


A knock echoed throughout the room. I stayed silent, thinking it was Kelvin checking if I was decent enough for him to come in. Actually, No. He wouldn't do that, I turned to the door and looked at the shadow peeking out from underneath it.

"Kelvin? Is this where you've disappeared to?" Unsure of who this is, I kept on being quiet. The male voice that had a slight tone of crazy, his accent wasn't consistent so it would change pitch every few words. That shows that this person has spent a lot of time with people outside his ethnicity. But the main accent was those who came from the east end, and the only recent people with small mispronunciations of the english language that I'd met, would be the first-string circus members. Well, except Snake. Snake's accent has it's own category.

"Hello?" The voice said again, now opening the door, I looked expectantly to where I imagined his height to be. A white fabric, a white coat once properly examined, swayed to his movement. Large round coal eyes stopped on me with curiosity behind a glass wall, his face was framed with messy black hair that reached up to his shoulders.

You could immediately tell that he didn't look after himself properly, his buttons weren't neatly done, he doesn't look like he shaved or showered in a while.

"Who is this little beauty? Ahh, you must've been the lord's special captive. You seem to have good diet and you're also very athletic, too bad I can't use those slim limbs of yours." Oh great, another sadistic pervert.

If you observe his hands you would be able to tell that it was covered in blisters, dry skin was peeling off in all sides, and his nails were so blunt that you'd imagine they would be very painful just touching something. But his graspers were very rough which meant he got used to the pain and continued what ever work he did. And right now, those fingers which are connected to those wrinkled palms that were just twitching to get me.

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