9 ♞ Confidant at the Burial

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So, I'm setting the book's plot right here, right after the Book of Murder.

Nope! He's still alive, that demon in the coffin is still alive.

I was once again sitting on a surface dangling my legs around. This tree has been providing branches for soul reaping beings to sit and enjoy the of funerals for decades.

After completing the coffin which Undertaker has been spending all day and night on, he requested that we have to meet a group of people at the local graveyard. He took off with the cart and horses after dropping me outside of this church which is located in the middle of these rows of graves.

The incredibly strong smell of flowers and products left for the dead had chased me into a tree. After wilfully descending once to rescue an abandoned Funtom company stuffed rabbit which I realised Undertaker has left behind, I had reached this branch with that certain rabbit still in hand.
It wore a cute navy blue bow that had little rabbit shaped outlines embroiled onto the ribbon around its neck and tied around a small fascinator that rested on one ear. What caught my attention was the black pirate like eyepatch which was stitched over the rabbit's left eye.

Someone must've spent a long time to adjust it, the old and the remade stuffed Funtom Rabbits are only given black beady eyes and a variety of bow colours. I'm really happy that a lot of my favourite products are being brought back from before the owner of the Funtom company was attacked.

I squeezed the rabbit, ruffled its fur and tugged on its bow, never getting bored even after the cart came back with two wealthy carriages following behind. One belonging to the Midford household, and the other one had Indian designs covering the entire body.

My existence wasn't acknowledged by anyone, but the silver haired legendary reaper had his gaze adverted to the rabbit's previous location for a second. My attention moved to his vehicle. His cart was pretty roomy even if it contained a coffin.

To the left of said coffin was two male Phantomhive servants. To my knowledge they are the chef, an explosive American soldier. Appearance was the typical blonde, unshaved, short haired, tall man. And the other was the young pale skinned gardener. His large turquoise eyes were extremely misty, and it seem that he was only a few seconds away from bursting into tears and flooding the whole place. He shook every few seconds, and they were unmistakably not from the pebbles and rocks under cart, and every little movement, wisps of his strawberry blonde hair would bounce upwards. His whole hairdo would've been imitating that movement if it wasn't for the two red clips on the right and three on the left that held a handful of strands down. He's just barely holding it in unlike the long cherry-red haired maid on the opposite side.

A soaked handkerchief seemed like it was glued to the large round glasses that rested on her nose which was tinted red from blowing stuff out continuously. A square-fringe was hidden under a black hat which she was wearing. If the wind arrived her medium length untied hair would be flying around her.

Surrounded with an air of boredom, the facial of someone going through tedious tasks, there sat the earl. His navy blue hair was swept to one side of his head, with the string of the eye patch to emphasise where the hair parted ways. A dark black cape was wrapped around him from shoulder to shoulder. You couldn't identify his clothing but he gave off an elegant and noble vibe with his sharp eyes and his head held high.

Nope. He hasn't mourned for the dead one bit.

Intrigued, I placed the rabbit to face the other side while keeping the toy on my lap. The simple white dress has been my most preferred attire when I am not acting and dressing as my blood. So I even wore it to a demons funeral. My teal hair was pulled into two long pigtails, and it seemed to become a signature hairstyle when I'm not disguised with a wig.

Confidant of Phantomhive ♞ Kuroshitsuji | FF «DISCONTINUED»Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora