05: Daughter

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"Not friends, not enemies.

Just two strangers 

with memories."


Since you're back in town, we should talk. Let's have dinner tonight at 7. If you don't have anyone to watch Phoenix, Jungkook said he would. 

I sigh and lean my head back on the wall of my apartment. Phoenix, Yoongi and I were sitting on my balcony floor while she read to us. I lean over and show Yoongi the text

"I'll watch her."

"I know but I don't want to go." I groan and Nix slams the book closed startling both of us

"Mom, if you're not going to listen then I want to play instead."

"You're right sweetie. How about you go inside and get ready for dinner? You and Yoongi are going to go out and eat."

"We are?! Can we get ice cream too?"

"We can even go to the park to run it off after." Yoongi said ruffling her hair

"Are you not coming mom?"

"No sweetie, I'm not. Do you remember that man who helped you the other day?" she nods as a smile creeps on her face, "He asked mommy out for dinner tonight. And she's going to go."

"He's cute and nice." she said stating it with a firm nod of her head

I stared at her and brushed her long hair out of her face and tried to tame the curls a little. Of course he's cute. You're a spitting image of him, I thought and she ran to put on her shoes.

"She makes my heart so full. Sometimes I forget how much she looks like him."

"She's basically a spitting image of him, Cell. The only thing she got of yours is your terrible curly hair."

I smack Yoongi in the chest and he rolls around laughing like he made the funniest joke of the century. I pull out my phone and take a picture. He stops when he hears the sound. His eyes meeting mine and he knows exactly what I'm doing

"Cell, I look like shit I swear if you post that-"

"You'll what?"


I slowly scoot away from him and hastily open instagram and go to  my stories.

"Just because Stigma doesn't care if we post anything personal, doesn't mean we should." he said crawling closer to me

"Awe come on, Yoongs. Our fans will love this picture!"

"I will legit murder."

"Okay well then I'm going to post it. I leave Phoenix to you and now I won't ever have to go to the dinner."

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