04: Remember You Are Phoenix

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"You don't meet people by accident

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"You don't meet people by accident. 

There's always a reason. 

A lesson or a blessing."

"That's perfect Yoongi! Just a few more poses and I think we've got it." The photographer said and I rush on set to fix a few pieces of his hair. I turn back around and see a huge light tilting back and comes crashing down loudly. There's a small scream and Yoongi and I run to the side to see a wide eyed Phoenix

"I-I'm so sorry." She bursts into tears and Yoongi carefully grabs her and moves her away from the shattered bulb that's scattered around the small girl.

"Baby, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" I ask checking all over the five year olds body

Tears are running down her face and she's shaking in his arms

"I'm so sorry."

"Hey, it's okay. Accidents ha-"

"What happened in here?" a booming voice is heard at the door of the room

An intern runs quickly over to Taehyung and explains and points towards us. My eyes meet his for an instant before I turn to Yoongi and his eyes are just as wide. Taehyung walks over to us and bends down in front of Phoenix

"Hi, I'm Taehyung. What's your name?" his voice is soft and calming like a cool summer breeze that relieves you from the beaming sun.

She looks at me and then at Yoongi before meeting his eyes that look like a soft ocean blue, "Phoenix." 

She sniffles and Taehyung grabs his pocket square and wipes her tears from her face, "It's very nice to meet you Phoenix. I bet that loud sound scared you huh?" 

She nods and moves further into Yoongi

"Accidents happen and that's okay. You shouldn't cry over something that wasn't your fault, okay? You look like a strong young lady and if something like this breaks you down, remember your name is Phoenix. You will rise from everything thrown at you."

She nods again and he smiles at her with his boxy smile that many don't see at work. When Nix sees him smile, she smiles back and reveals the same square of a smile. His falters slightly and he stands and looks at me. His eyes squint and his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek

"Let's take a ten minute break to replace the bulb and to calm down." Taehyung said to the entire room and then like a spell, everyone started moving at once. 

"Let's head over to the vanity real quick so I can touch up your makeup Yoongi." I say picking up Phoenix and place her on the neighboring chair where I work on him

I busy myself touching up the foundation and eyeliner on Yoongi but I feel a stare from across the room on us the entire time.

"What the actual fuck?" I whisper, blending his face a little too hard

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