02: The Vibe

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"When something goes wrong, smile

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"When something goes wrong, smile. There's always a next play."

My heart is pounding as I try to start my day off right. It's a significant day for all three of us, so when Phoenix runs into me, spilling my scalding coffee over my front, I try to ignore the pain.

I pull the soiled shirt off in one motion. The least of my worries right now is how my chest is bright red and stinging from the pain when Phoenix's bright brown eyes start to blur with tears.

"I'm sorry," she stutters out, wiping her eyes as the first tears fall.

When I get situated in my new attire, I grab both of our bags, pulling them over my shoulder, then lifting the sniffling five-year-old on the other side, "It's okay, baby. It's just a shirt. And it didn't even hurt."

When she lays her hand on my chest, the sting tells me otherwise, but I grit my teeth and ignore it. Today is already going to be weird enough without all of the inconveniences that have happened this morning. Starting the day off with Yoongi already gone really sucks, but what sucks more is when Phoenix's favorite Moana shoes weren't a pair anymore.

I promised to buy her new ones if she wore the blue converse instead.

When I see her daycare insight, I sigh. Sitting her on the ground, her hand instantly finding mine as we walk by many people walking quickly. The daycare is painted a pastel yellow, with ladybugs, butterflies, and beetles painted comically large on the front. When I talked to the owner a few months ago, she seemed to be a really nice older lady, never taking more than five to eight kids at a time since it was only her and her granddaughter at times.

As we walk up the steps, a short and plump elderly woman steps out of the front door. Her smile is bright and lazy as she holds out her hand, "You must be Celeste."

I grab her hand lightly, bowing deeply, "Yes, hello, Mrs. Park. I'm so happy to meet you in person finally! This is my little one, Phoenix."

I squat down, pulling Phoenix from behind me so she can meet the person she'll be spending eight to nine hours a day with. Nix's eyes widen before turning to me, I nod and she bows shyly. The shaky Korean flows out of her mouth softly before her face turns red.

"My goodness! Your Korean is very good. Why don't you go inside and wait for me on the blue bench?"

At the praise, she seems to perk up a little. She gives me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek, "I love you, Nix. Remember that you are wonderful and you are beautiful."

Nix nods, slowly walking around Mrs. Park, whispering a small 'i love you' before the door shut behind her, "Thank you again for taking Phoenix, Mrs. Park. She starts school soon, but I appreciate it for the next few months."

"It's no problem, Celeste. I only have four kids this year and one of them is American. So I figured they would get along well. My husband's health has gone down this year, so I can't take as many kids."

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