Finding home

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They order food from room service, and have a long hot shower together. During the shower they spend time wash each other and just learning more about each others body. Teri even lets Anthony wash her hair. Anthony wraps a fluffy towel around Teri and carries her to the bed, because as he says he won't get to do this in awhile. He brushes her hair and Teri sits quality and listens as he talks about his home and his friends and how he can't wait to show her around. He leans close and kisses her shoulder, and whispers about the things he wants to do to her when he has access to his toys and she shivers and moans a little. Teri feels like she is floating just slightly off from center, but it's a happy floaty feeling like her brain is wrapped in cotton candy. Before she realizes it, Anthony has braided her hair in one tight long braid down her back. They talk more as they eat; conversation flowing easily.

Anthony starts packing up his things and he hands Teri back the shirt she wore the first day. "I like the way you looked in it" When all the bags are organized, they still have a little time till their ride will be there. Anthony had noticed Teri got quieter and quieter as the time to leave got closer. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her into his lap, sitting in the big chair they had sat in the first night. Teri is playing with the necklace he gave her, and just resting her head on his chest. Anthony lifts her chin and tilts her head up so he can see her eyes. "Before you know it, we will be together again" He leans in and brushes his lips over her, whispering words of affection and love. A single tear drips down her cheek as she begs "Hold me, just hold me a little longer" Anthony squeezes her tightly. Before they know it, Anthony's phone is going off to say their ride is there. He helps Teri into her new jacket, giving her a kiss on the cheek. They grab up all the bags and Anthony does one more circuit around the room to make sure nothing got left behind. When they get in the car, Anthony wraps his arms around Teri once more pulling her as far into his lap as he can. It's a bitter sweet moment when they get to the airport. Teri climbs out of the car and wraps her arms around Anthony, pulling him down so she can rub her cheek against him, just breathing in his sent. Anthony slips his hands around her neck and up to her jaw pulling her up into a deep passionate kiss. Teri hums against his lips and she presses her body as tight against him as she can. Stopping to come up for air; he kisses her nose, her cheeks and then her forehead making her giggle. "That's it I needed to see your smile before I go" He walks over and speaks to the driver while she waits for the porter to finish with his bag. He gives her one last kiss on the cheek and tells her they will see each other soon and then he walks away. Looking back just before he walks through the doors.

Teri climbs back into the car, settles back in the seat with her eyes on his back, just when she can't see him in the crowd anymore, they pull away. Her head thumps back on the seat, and her eyes close as the car pulls away. Before they are even on the highway Teri is in tears, quietly sobbing she grabs her stuffed panda and curls up against the window. She ignores the looks from the driver as he watches her cry. He does hand back a box of Kleenex, sliding it back and onto the seat beside her. Suddenly her phone is ringing, she scrambles to pull it out, checking the screen. A smile appears even with the tears as she answers it. Its Anthony; the first thing she hears is "Are you crying?" She laughs and sniffles. "That's what I thought." She can hear the airport around him and his voice waivers a bit "I may or may not be crying. But you need to know I will see you soon. Ok Teri?" She whispers "soon?" "yes soon. Now be a good girl and don't cry." She runs fingers over her phoenix necklace, her mind settles and she is calmer. "Soon"


Less then a month later Teri is stepping off a plane and straight into Anthony's arms. She spends 4 nights with him and every moment is perfect. When she walks into his bedroom for the first time, there is a beautiful black and white photo above his bed of a girl with her back to the camera bound in ribbon. She has to take a double take when she realizes its her. On the first night they talk, they eat, they make love. On the second night she learns exactly how good he is with ropes. He spends some time playing games while she naps on the couch and it feels very natural, even when his yelling wakes her up. She comes to every three weeks, they split the cost of her tickets, over the next 6 month and then things change at her work and its been weeks with no visits. She has fallen asleep on more then one late night call and he can tell she isn't taking good care of herself. She's pale and he can see the bags under her eyes, when she finally admits she hasn't been sleeping much he knows somethings got to change. She mentions she has the next two days off and plans to sleep the entire time. That night Anthony buys a plane ticket and heads back to Canada, showing up on her doorstep. He finds out just how bad things have gotten. Her fridge and pantry practically empty, and her apartment is a 3rd floor walk up to a tiny two room bachelor pad. When pressured to admit how much she pays in rent Anthony almost falls over. Thinking about all the flights she has paid for he now understands why she is working so much. He spends a week there, filling her fridge and pantry. She introduces him to a couple people, but mostly they spend the time while he is there in bed when she wasn't at work.

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