Panic and Laughter

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Teri was nervous. She clung to Anthony's hand as he led her down the stairs. As her feet hit the floor; she notices the security guard from earlier is standing there. Anthony turns to her "Come on, I'll introduce you to Evan" She looks around, and everyone on this side of security has VIP lanyards on. "I don't have a pass?" The security guard is smiling and speaks up "No problem; just stick with Jiggly here. And I will lead the way." As they start moving people start shouting for the guys and Anthony's attention. Cameras are flashing and she feels like the crowd is surging towards them. She knows there is security but she is still nervous. Anthony pulls her in close, putting himself between her and the crowd. He wraps his arm around her "Don't worry girl. Got you." She keeps her head down watching Anthony's feet as they make there way through.

The hall is full of people carrying equipment and heading to where ever it is they need to be. She has slipped out from under Anthony's arm; now following along slightly behind him, her small hand clutching tightly to his. She is still watching his feet, she feels out of place and lost. The air felt thick every breath a struggle sticking in her lungs. Butterflies dove and flip flopped in her chest, heart racing. She tries to take a slow breath realizing what is going on. All she can look at is Anthony's shoes. Her inner monologue takes over "Nice shoes. He has a lot of nice shoes from what I've seen online. Breath in breath out. Everything's ok" They stop moving and for the first time Teri looks up and the room spins for a second. There are just so many people here, its loud, and she recognizes some musicians, some youtubers, and maybe a tv personality too. She squeezes Anthony's hand again moving closer to him, she notices her hand trembling as she wraps it around his arm. Her mind is a stormy sea, Anthony is her rock but she is barely staying above the water. Teri is trying so hard to keep her breathing slow and steady. She just stands there staring at the floor and Anthony's shoes.

Anthony pats her hand and they are moving again. His hand on her arm a steady pressure. He pulls her close and turns them so he is between her and the room. He softly asks. "Are you ok?" Head down, she takes note of how slow and steady Anthony is breathing, syncing her breathes with his. The room seems to be getting quieter, she doesn't feel as shaky. Anthony whispers her name "Teri?" Nodding her head, she takes another breath. She feels Anthony move closer "Going to need you to say it Teri" she clutches her hand tighter on his.

Slowly she raises her head; eyes following the line of his body. He is tall and strong and her hand fits perfectly in his. She feels so small standing there in front of him. Chewing her bottom lip her eyes meet his. She is ruining this; the night was going so well. Finally, she is able to speak "I'm sorry" she whispers. She is trying, she hopes he realizes that. Slowly he reaches out and tucks a random curl behind her hair. Resting his hand against her neck, he runs his thumb over her cheek, she can't help but lean into his touch. A feeling of safety and comfort flows from where his thumb touches her skin, she knows with Anthony things are ok. His voice distracts her from her thoughts. "You ok now? I know it can be a bit much being around this stuff. I know anxiety and panic when I see it." He chuckles quietly smiling down at her. "Have you heard my stories bout drinking n smoking before I stepped on stage?" Finally, Teri can't help but smile remembering the video he did with Mini. She starts to giggle "Watch out for drunks in alleys throwing stones."

Anthony is so happy to see her smile; and there she goes cracking a joke at the perfect moment again. It almost pains him to remove his hand from her neck. The feel of her soft skin under his fingers sends sparks up his arm. He drops his hand down to cover hers with both of his. "Ok, what say we go kick Smit off the couch and wait for Evan?" He turns around scoping out the room. Squeezing her hand, he leads her over to the couch; the guys are sprawled across it.

"Move" He grumbles and uses his angry Jiggles voice while smacking both their legs. Matt and Smitty both jump with worried looks on their faces and Anthony has to bite the inside of his cheek not to laugh as they scramble out of his way. Tripping all over each other as they make room for him. He flops down wiggling over and squishes them as he makes room for Teri beside him. At this point he's laughing hard at the looks on the guys faces. Then he hears it. Teri is laughing loud and clear, and wait did she just snort? Glancing up at her, he sees her eyes are sparkling and she is laughing so hard her cheeks are pink.

"Sit before you fall down girl." He drags her down beside him on the couch, she falls against him still laughing and settles against his hip and he wraps his arm around her shoulders pulling her close. She leans up against him cheek on his shoulder "I think you actually scared them?" She says as she peeks across him at them. Both Smitty and Matt are laughing now and playfully shoving each other fighting for the space he has left them. Anthony slides over a bit to let them have more room. Teri pulls him even closer curling up and practically in his lap, still laughing quietly.

The four of them have created their own little world. Smitty had wondered off at one point and come back with drinks for everyone. They talked about the show, the music and raved about Evans new song. Anthony noticed as the time went on Teri has settled in against him and was bantering back and forth with all of them. She mentioned the small town she was from. How she had never really been into this kind of music till she came across Evan and Rynx. Anthony had to laugh when she announces he was her favourite out of the group. Poor Smitty and Matt throwing themselves at her feet begging her to change her mind because they knew "Anthony will NEVER let us forget you said that".

Anthony is just killing himself laughing at this point, coughing and with tears in his eyes. He hears someone clear their throat and as he looks up, he sees Evan standing there with a big grin. "So, having fun?" Evan nudges at the guys on the floor. Anthony trying to talk while laughing "Hey Ev, Great show." Evan raises an eye brow looking from Anthony to the two on the floor and then back to Anthony. Anthony shrugs and raises the hand on Teri's shoulder, pointing at her. "This pretty lady is Teri. Teri meet Evan or..well you know all his names." Evan smiles looking at Teri holding out his hand. He blinks and his eyes go big and he looks back at Anthony and Teri. "Wait you're the girl from the beginning of the night?" Anthony smiles big "Yup (popping the p) and man do I have a story for you." Teri reaches out for Evans hand smiling.

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