Guitar Solo

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The security guards had quickly moved in and separated the group. The security guy that Anthony had been speaking to, who he now remembered was named Kevin, spoke to the others and they quickly lead the trouble makers away. Anthony was pretty sure he was going to be in trouble, you don't usually get away with punching somebody at a club without getting walked out the door.

Anthony thinks his heart is going to beat out of his chest. He looks down at the girl again and smiles. Her eyes are the brightest blue he has ever seen, and he can't help but chuckle that in the heat of the moment she actually told a joke. Everything about this girl interests him, she fits perfectly in his arms. He wants to protect her and keep her safe, he can't even explain to himself what this feeling is. Tearing his eyes away he looks around again.

Kevin looked at him and smiles. "I saw what was happening at the same time you did Bud. But damn that jump was impressive" He smiled and laughed. Anthony stumbled over an apology, "Sorry bout that, shouldn't have hit that guy; man, but..." "You hit somebody?" Kevin smirked. "Pretty sure that guy fell down. Also think he and his friends may fall down again on their way out the door." He winked and placed a hand on Anthony's shoulder. He looked at the girl still in Anthony's arms, "You ok Miss?"

Teri can not believe how safe she feels standing there in Anthony's arms. Her mind is a whirlwind, she has gone from scared and in flight or fight mode to having a strange calmness envelope her entire body. She has never felt like this before, standing there staring up at Anthony, she can not believe she is in Anthony BigJigglyPanda's arms. She can not believe she just called him her Panda knight in shining armour, she is pretty sure she has lost her damn mind. At this point she is pretty sure this is not real life.

She notices the security guard is speaking to them when Anthony breaks eye contact, his body stiffens as they both wait to find out what happens next. He doesn't let go of her though. The security guard says something about seeing what was happening. Anthony seems to calm when the guy smiles and compliments Anthony for how he dove off the stairs. He says Anthony didn't punch anyone, that guy fell down. Teri is still in shock at all that had happened in the last few minutes, she isn't really hearing what's being said. Its not till the security guard places his hand on her arm that everything seems to come clear. "You ok Miss?"

Teri smiles, and blushes as she pulls away a bit, stumbling over her words "I... I.. Ya I think I'm ok." She looks between Anthony and the security guard. Anthony drops his arms from around her blushing, and her heart does a little flip. He looks at her. "Are you sure your ok? Do you want to come up to the VIP section with me or do you want to leave? He stumbles over his words, and now Teri blushes too. "I don't want to leave. No way am I leaving now." Teri puts her hand out. "I know who you are so just so you know me, I am Teri and I promise I don't usually get into fights at bars." As Anthony takes her hand, they both start laughing, the stress of the moment finally breaking. "Nice to meet you Teri. Thanks for making my night even more interesting. Now that those fuckers are gone, lets go have a good time?"

Anthony gives her hand a squeeze but doesn't let go as they follow the Security guard back over to the VIP section. He isn't holding too tightly but he just doesn't want to let go. She doesn't seem to mind, giving his hand a squeeze every time he looks back at her. He isn't sure what happens next. The music is too loud for him to get to know Teri here; can't really talk without yelling. He decides he just wants to see her smile. He is going to make sure the rest of the night is as good as he can make it.

Kevin leads them over to the VIP section. Smiling as he waves them up the stairs first. Anthony turns and smiles at Teri and then leads her up the stairs. Smitty and Matt are standing at the top of the stairs, laughing and carrying on. They start in right away about the jump over the railing, Smitty says he looked like a "super hero". Matt grins from ear to ear "man I had no idea you could move like that?" Anthony can't help but laugh. "Me neither" He squeezes Teri's hand, pulls her closer to him and introduces her to them "Guys this is Teri. Teri this is..." She laughs and interrupts "Oh I know who you guys are. I promise I am not some crazy fan or anything though" The music starts to change and Teri turns to the stage as the lights dim. Anthony is fascinated as she spins around her hair flows past him and he really wants to run his fingers through those curly candy floss stands and the ways her eyes sparkle just gives him goosebumps. What has this girl done to him.

Anthony knows that Evans about to change things up. He tugs Teri's hand and leads her over closer to the railing. He smiles at her, leans closer and whispers in her ear "I think your going to like this part." She smiles, her eyes sparkle as she leans closer to hear him. Not pulling away as she watches the stage. A spot light appears and Evan walks out of the darkness with his guitar. A soft bass beat starts thumping it sounds and feels like a heart beat, Evan jumps up on a riser on stage and begins to play his guitar, a wild riff of notes that bleeds in and around the heart beat bass. The lights flash between white and pink and purple. The music flows and circles the room, its like the room has gone silent and all anyone sees or hears is Evan and his guitar. It's the most amazing guitar solo Anthony has ever seen, it's a siren song, a love song, impossible to not feel something. Sure, he had heard some of this song from Evan over Discord but it could never compete with this.

He feels Teri squeeze his hand, wrapping her other hand around his forearm as she watches the stage. Her eyes sparkle in the light, and he can't take his eyes off of her smiling face. Nothing and no one exists at this moment its just her. He can feel the heat radiating off her body as she wraps herself around his arm. He draws her in closer against him and watches her as she watches the stage.

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