May I?

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Anthony pushes Teri against the wall, nibbling and sucking on her neck, her pale skin is rubbed pink form his beard. He runs his hand up her sides from her hips up teasingly brushing his finger tips along the bottoms of her breast then back down. She lets out a huff as he trails kisses up and along her jaw, brushing gently against her lips and steps back. He smiles down at her as he pulls his key card out and unlocks the door, leading her inside.

Anthony was holding the door open, so Teri slipped past him and slowly walked in. She suddenly felt shy, one thing to kiss and touch with others around but now she was in his hotel room. The suite was nice. Wait, was this a suite or just a damn nice room, there was a half wall splitting the space with a sitting area and just on the other side a huge bed. The one side of the room was floor to ceiling curtains and she could only assume it was a giant window. Anthony offered her a drink, grabbing himself a water from the mini fridge. She heard him turn and then drop his water bottle on the bar "Oh Teri" His voice just above a whisper. She was still stood where she had stopped when she walked in. Gently chewing on her bottom lip. Anthony gently took her hand with one of his, his other hand moving up to cup her cheek and tug her lip from between her teeth. She follows him to the chair and he sits and pulls her down into his lap. She feels so safe and complete in his arms.

Teri sits there curled up in Anthony's lap. He's holding her close and running his one hand through her hair. His voice is low and quiet "Everything is ok. I'll never do anything you don't want. Teri your beautiful. You're safe with me I promise. I promised to keep you safe " She feels so safe here in his arms. She leans her cheek on his shoulder and wraps an arm around his shoulder placing her hand on the back of his neck, playing with the hairs under her fingers. Gathering all her bravery she presses a kiss to his collarbone and then whispers. "I don't want to be just a one-night stand" She whimpers a little "I want to be here with you" His words next made her melt into him. "Teri, I don't do one-night stands. I'm not sure how this is going to turn out or work but we will figure it out I promise. No girl has ever made me feel the way you do."

She knew she could open up completely, not just her body but her guard. He wasn't going to hurt her. She had as much control of this situation as he did. She could finally let her guard down. She didn't have to hold up any of her shields to keep people form getting close, she wanted him to see the real her, all of her. She nodded, looking up into his eyes a small smile crossing her lips, her voice still quiet "Ya, I like that." Anthony's eyes softened and he smiled, a lightening bolt of a shiver ran down her spine and through her body as he turned her body facing his. His hand ran up her arm to rest on her cheek. Lost in the moment Teri's eyes slipped closed and she leaned here cheek into his palm. "May I kiss you?" She could honestly not believe he had asked permission to kiss her. Lightning bolts shot through her as she tried to formulate a response. Her mind blank. "huh?" The word more like a sound slipped from her lips and she felt like an idiot. She started to laugh, feeling the blush warming her cheeks, Anthony was laughing with her. He pulled her into him, his hand wrapping around the back of her neck, drawing her upward into a deep kiss. Mouth covering hers, his tongue sliding in as his hand pressed flat against her back and ran downward. She moans into the kiss as he cupped her ass, kneading gently. He pulls her further into his lap, sliding her legs to either side of his so she is straddling him.

When they get close to the room Anthony pushes Teri up against the wall, he needs to feel her. He can not believe that this beautiful girl is there with him. He presses against her, kissing and licking her neck. He slides his hands over her body, just feeling her under his touch. Brushing his fingers just along the bottom of her breasts, he kisses along her collar bone up her neck, enjoying the feel of her soft skin and the sweet smell of her skin. She smells like vanilla, and cookies and warmth. Placing a gentle kiss to her pretty pink lips he steps back. Smiling he unlocks the door and holds it open for her.

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