Trouble Begins to Brew

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When that girl had screamed it had scared Teri, making her jump and her mind had raced to any and all worse case scenarios. Who just screamed like that, like they were being murdered or something? A part of her was scared. What had she been thinking coming to a club in the big city alone like this, so many things could go wrong?

Teri slowly breathes to calm the anxiety building up in her chest. She wasn't freaking out. Yes ok, a bunch of Youtubers she followed were actually in the VIP section. She couldn't believe Anthony was there; and he smiled at her. But maybe he just smiled, he always seemed the smiling type. She loved his smile. When their eyes had met, she couldn't help but smile back and, in her confusion, and embarrassment she turn away. But oh, my gawd was she blushing now? The scream had made her heart race but when her eyes met Anthony's for that brief moment, she thought her heart had stopped for a second.

The lights began to flash and Rynx's opening began to play. The crowd surged towards the stage. Teri was reminded how happy she was to be outside of the crowd. The light show was amazing, the bass so deep and loud her heart felt like it was beating along with it. She was sinking further and further into it. Evan was rocking it out up there. It was everything she had hoped it would be and it had only just started. Any hint of doubt of why she was there was quickly being beaten down by the base and music flowing through her body.

As the music flowed Teri was finding herself lost in the moment. Singing along, eyes sometimes closed, body swaying along. A smile on her face, she felt free and alive. She didn't care what anyone thought about the girl alone at the back of the club. This was why she had come all this way. To experience and live this life, for even just a second. She smiled and opened her eyes as the song transitioned to the next one.

Glancing over to the VIP section she saw Anthony looking at her. She smiled back this time and instead of looking away she began to laugh. How long had he been watching her, should she be embarrassed or happy he was watching her? Running her hands through her hair she fluffed up her curls, looking back to Evan on the stage. She was feeling warm all over, the music was amazing and a very good-looking guy who she had always found attractive and interesting seemed to be checking her out. She didn't want to get her hopes up, maybe he was just looking in her general direction. When she glanced back Anthony was still watching her. She smiled and turned back to the stage.

After a singing along to few songs and dancing, she decided she needed some water. Making her way over to the bar, dodging people and sliding between the crowd. She pulled some cash out of her pocket and waited to grab a server's eye. Grabbing a bottle of water from the bar Teri spun around, running smack dab into someone's chest. That some one was a tall dark-haired man; he grabbed her arms as she bounced off of him.

Teri quickly apologized and attempted to step back. Attempts because this guy doesn't let go at first. He smiles down at her and something in her gut twists just from the look in his eyes. He says something about not holding it against her unless she wants him too, or something, she's not really listening. He gives her arms a squeeze then laughs as he finally lets her go. She pulls back and quickly moves away into the crowd. Glancing back, she sees him nudge a guy beside him and say something all while still watching her with. Trying to calm her heart she made her way back to her spot, glancing around to track where security was just in case. She was not going to let this small incident ruin her night.

Anthony had been caught staring, more then once by now by the girl with the long hair. And the guys were starting to give him a hard time. Trays of shots had appeared and he had been dragged over to the edge of the VIP section to celebrate, they were all singing and jumping and dancing along with the music. He knew he had no business watching some poor girl just trying to have a good time.

He was having a blast. Hanging out with friends he didn't get to see enough of, watching one of his buddies perform some amazing music, with a nice drink in his hand. The nights going well, he glances back to see the girl has moved. No, it was not weird that he automatically searched the room moving away from the group a bit to try and find her in the crowd, finally seeing her at the bar.

She was holding a bottle of water in her hand, and some guy had his hands on her arms. Anthony couldn't see the guys face, but the girl did not look happy. As she pulled away, he noticed her looking around and making her way back to her spot, a small frown now on her face. Anthony didn't like that but really what could he do? He decided since she was obviously alone it wouldn't hurt to just try and keep a protective eye out for her.

The guys were yelling for him to join them for a round of shots, so he made his way closer to them but still with a view of the girl with the candy floss hair.

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