Let's Shop!

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Anthony smiles and nods in approval. "Hmm. I had a feeling. Don't worry Teri, I still stand by what I said before. I promised to keep you safe. Nothings going to change that, ever." He watches her eyes begin to tear up. He leans in and kisses her again gently, lips, both cheeks and her forehead. "we have four days to figure this all out. Ok?" She smiles and nods. They sit like that for awhile, talking low getting to know some of the basics about each other. Soft music playing in the back ground as he holds her in his arms. He decides they will discuss more about all this later for now they can just get to know each other and have some fun. Realizing he really needs to reply to Smitty at this point. Anthony pulls her closer, sliding his hands under her legs and around her back; standing up, she latches her arms around his neck, burying her face against his chest. Holding her bridal style he walks over to the desk. "Grab my phone please" She reaches down and picks up his phone he continues on and carries her over and tosses her onto the bed. "Won't need to go to the gym if I keep carrying you around."

He hops down beside her and pulls her in close. "Smitty's in town till tomorrow and wants to know if I want to go shopping." He plucks his phone from where she has dropped it on the bed. "We have options of what to do. We can stay here in bed all day and I can order room service and I can just ravish your body" He kisses and nibbles playfully at her shoulder and neck making her giggle. "I am starving and you must be too? Or...We can go shopping, have a nice lunch hang out and have some fun. Come back to the room and I can ravish your body?' He laughs and runs his hand under the edge of the shirt she is wearing and over her hip, pulling her back against him. Anthony can't help but to press his thumb over the bruise on Teri's hip enjoying the way she squirms and when he brushes his fingers over her skin, she jerks from his hold. Teri squeaks and pulls away giggling. "Food and shopping sound good...and so does the ravishing" He tucks this new knowledge of a possible tickle spot away for later.

"Ok food first then shopping. Wait, shower first, then food and shopping?" Anthony opens his phone. "I'll check in with Smitty and see what's going on" He sends Smitty a text asking about food and shopping. He notices a text from Evan, smiling when he sees the photo and saving it to his phone. He feels Teri climb out from under his arms and wander off "Where you going?" "If you can check your phone, I can check mine" She sticks her tongue out at him and he can't help but laugh. There will be lots of time for serious talks later. She makes him laugh and to him that alone is a reason for him to keep her around. He gets up and goes through his clothes figuring out what he will wear that day he grabs a shirt from his bag, its old and well worn and he brought it for hanging out in the room and sleeping if he got cold its too tight to wear in public but he things Teri will like it, its one of his unreleased merch tester shirts. "Hey I don't have pants but I can give you a clean shirt till we can get you something to wear" Of course he also likes the idea of her walking around wearing his clothes and his label a subtle sign of ownership that makes him warm inside. She's smiling and blushing again. This girl is just too damn cute. "Oh my god is this a merch shirt; I have never seen this one. Always wanted your merch, but the price and shipping to Canada sucks." He sticks that in the back of his mind for later. His phone goes off at that moment, he reads the text and laughs "We have twenty minutes or else. Not sure what the else is but a cranky Smitty is never a fun thing"

Teri's mind is some how foggy but also clear and her heart is calm. Anthony has already managed to figure out one of her deepest darkest secrets. His first reaction, isn't to hurt her or make fun of her, no instead his words almost make her cry. "I promised to keep you safe. Nothings going to change that, ever." This isn't the first time he has said he wanted to keep her safe or protect her. He punched a guy just to protect her after all. He kisses all over her face and she is smiling through any tears that had tried to fall. They have 4 days to figure this out. She decides she is going to make the best of these days. They talk a little about their lives. She starts like anyone would, first and last name, giggling when she realizes she hasn't even told him that. Anthony gathers her up in his arms and lifts, carrying her bridal style. He really is strong, and the way he can just pick her up like this could be scary but once again she feels calm and secure in his arms it a new feeling for her. He carries her across the room asking her to grab his phone and tosses her onto the bed. Teri can't help but to laugh as she bounces and he hops down beside her.

"Smitty's in town till tomorrow; wants to know if I want to go shopping. We have options of what to do. We can stay here in bed all day; can order room service and I can just ravish your body" Anthony's lips on her skin as he kisses and nips at her neck and shoulder make her giggle. "I am starving; you must be too? Or...We can go shopping, have a nice lunch hang out, have some fun. Then come back to the room; I can ravish your body?' He laughs and runs his hand down her body, and under her shirt. He grabs her by the hip and pulls her back against him. When Anthony press's his thumb over the bruise on her hip she squirms. His fingers trail over her skin not just lights enough to tickle making her jerk and jump against his hold. She pulls away giggling. "Food and shopping sound good. So does the ravishing" Anthony garbs his phone. "Ok food first then shopping. Wait, shower first, then food and shopping? I'll check in with Smitty. See what's going on" Teri decides she should probably check her phone at this point. Climbing out of his embrace she goes in search of it. Anthony asks "Where you going?" "If you can check your phone, I can check mine" She sticks her tongue out at him to be silly. She likes the fact that they laugh a lot. She checks her phone but nothing interesting is going on. She grabs her shirt off the floor frowning, its all stretched out and wrinkled. She figures her jeans will be fine. Anthony pulls a shirt out of his bag, holding it out to her. "Hey I don't have pants. I can give you a clean shirt till we can get you something to wear" She's smiling and blushing grabbing the shirt. "Oh my god is this a merch shirt? I have never seen this one. Always wanted your merch, but the price and shipping to Canada sucks." Anthony's phone goes off, he reads the text and laughs "We have twenty minutes or else. Not sure what the else is but a cranky Smitty is never a fun thing"

They have a quick shower all things considered. Stopping to pepper each other with gently kisses and he may have pressed Teri against the wall at one point just so he could nestle up behind her and run his hands over her warm wet skin. And maybe there is now a couple new marks on her body including a brilliant purple hickey on the back of her neck under her hair. Hair that she kept telling him to not get wet under any circumstances. As they get dressed, Anthony can't help but watch her, she looks damn good in his shirt, its baggy but hangs off her curves just right. Teri gives him a look and he smirk's then finishes getting dressed. By the time they have made it down to the lobby its been about 25 minutes and Smitty is stretched sideways waiting in one of the chairs, feet over one arm, head hanging over the other. Matt's sitting in a chair across from him reading a travel magazine? Anthony decides its best not to ask. Smiity sees them jumps up and announces "Let's shop!"

On there way out, Teri and Anthony grab muffins from a tray at the hotels head desk to old them selves off till they can grab real food. They spend a few hours wander in and out of stores that Teri would never have even thought to step in to. When they are walking Anthony has a hand on her lower back and it makes her feel grounded and cared for. They spend the day laughing and acted silly. When Teri announces she is "Going to die of starvation". They stop at a little café for a late lunch. Anthony convinces Teri to try on clothes she could never afford or could never picture herself in and tried to buy her anything she even looked at. Smitty called him a Sugar Daddy at one point and Teri had to point out she was actually older than Anthony. And when no one believed her including the sales girl, she had to bring out her ID as proof. Laughing the entire time. This gave Matt and Smitty even more amo to hassle Anthony for the next couple hours.

Anthony says he will be right back and disappears from her side. She wanders around the stores for a bit. She manages to find a couple lower end or what she considers normal stores and picks up a couple items in her price range that she figures will do for while she is in town. At one point she finds herself gently stroking the sleeve of a butter soft leather jacket. The type of jacket she could only dream of owning, afraid to even look at the price. Throwing caution to the wind expecting at any moment some sales person is going to kick her out of the store she tries it on. Spending some time day dreaming in front of a mirror. Anthony appeared behind her, pulled out his phone and with his chin resting on her shoulder his other arm around her body he took a pic of the two of them. He kissed her cheek then ran his nose along her jaw under her ear, and nibbled her neck. His voice was low against her ear "Did you miss me?" She giggles leaning back against him, head dropping back against his shoulder, turning her head giving him more access to her neck. Smiling "Yes" He steps back and shouts "Good, I am buying you that jacket. No excuses do not put it away I will find it." She lets him buy her a couple new things, blushing when he drags her into a fancy lingerie store. They end the day at a small sushi place where they all eat and drink more than they probably should. Anthony convinces her to try items she has never had and she even takes a sip of his Sake. The entire day has felt like a dream.

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