11. The Villain's Princess

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A long time ago, there was a kingdom far far away called the Aragon kingdom. It was a kingdom so lush and beautiful it made your heart flutter with happiness upon one gaze. Everyone lived happily side by side. There were no conflicts.

Until one day, a dragon flew by and burned half of the kingdom to the crisps. Including the fruitful farms that provided food for us all. There was nothing left but despair.

They said the dragon belonged to the spoiled prince of Vasil Kingdom who enjoyed the destruction of others.

The king of Aragon kingdom was furious, thus began the feud between the Aragon kingdom and the Vasil kingdom. The feud cost us many lives, including women and children. The king of Aragon kingdom finally decided it was enough and wanted to end the bloodshed. He decided it was time to call a truce between the kingdoms.

And that is how I, Lucia Aragon, the 3rd princess of the Aragon kingdom, became a mere pawn in the name of this so-called truce.

I was a princess by name only. As the 3rd sister, I had little to no value in the palace. Don't get me wrong, I was just as beautiful and just as smart as my other sisters, however, I was overlooked by everyone since all of the attention went to my older sisters Julia and Samara. In other words, I was insignificant.

Until the day of the crop festival, the day my life changed forever.

Our father, the king called for us the day before the crop festival so we gathered around in the throne room.

"Father! I've missed you!" Julia squealed and ran towards him, followed by Samara. I took my time. It's not like he is ever overjoyed to see me anyways.

"My daughters! I bear great news," he declared.

"What is it? Did you finally buy me a pet tiger?" Samara asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Princess Samara, for the last time, tigers are not pets. They will maul your face out in your sleep," The king scolded her.

"I can never have fun things," Samara pouted.

"Anywho...the reason I called you here is to tell you that all of you are now at the appropriate age to be married," our father informed us.

Finally, I get to get out of this shithole and reside in a different type of shithole. Huzzah!

"Does that mean we get to pick out our Prince Charming at the crop festival!?" Julia exclaimed. Her eyes were glowing with excitement.

"Indeed, princes from several different kingdoms will be visiting the crop festival, ready to be handpicked by beautiful maidens," Father said.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the stupid tradition. Every year at the crop festival, princes from several kingdoms gathered around and sat down on the displays of thrones. Then Princesses who were at the appropriate age to marry would come around and place a single lotus flower on a pot in front of the prince of their choosing. If the prince accepts the lotus, he would bring it back to the princess and offer it back to her and propose. How do they know which lotus belongs to whom you ask? The kingdoms are color-coded. Ours happens to be red. Dumb I know. I don't make the rules.

If it was up to me I would approach the prince and spend time with them to see if we are compatible. But what do I know? I'm just a dumb 3rd princess everyone ignores.

But at least, women get the first choice that way. That's something I guess.

"How exciting! I wonder if Rodrigo will be there this year. I'm finally ready to hand over my lotus to him and I am confident he will not refuse me!" Julia declared.

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