10. Nerd's Possession

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"Hey! Give it back!" Pete Erickson cried.

I watched as Trevor took the backpack off of Pete's shoulders and tossed it to David. Pete continued to whine as they passed it back and forth between each other. Pete was the most annoying and the nerdiest kid in school who was always the main target of Trevor and David.

I mean don't get me wrong, I feel bad for Pete, I really do, but maybe if he grew some backbone and stood up for himself then he wouldn't get bullied so much. High school is like a jungle. The strongest ones survive and the weakest ones become the prey.

"I think he had enough Trevor, let go of the poor nerd," I finally interjected. This scenario of Pete's endless struggle was starting to bore me. Besides, I needed to go home and Trevor is my ride.

Trevor and I had been going out since the freshmen year. Sure, he can be a jerk sometimes but he was the captain of the football team and he had the body like a Greek god. Who can resist feeling those hard abs and strong biceps? When he put his arms around me, I felt like nothing in the world could harm me. I was his queen as he ruled this school. He was also the reason I became so popular so quickly. Besides the fact I was beautiful and had the perfect body of course.

"Alright fine, I'll let you off a little early since Lisa said so. Gotta keep my girl happy," Trevor said and winked at me. Awe, isn't he so considerate?

He threw the backpack back at Pete then proceeded to walk toward my locker. He stopped all of a sudden then looked behind me. What is it now?

I turned around to see who it was and it was none other than Noah Hawthorne. He was also one of the nerds Trevor liked to bully. Great...I am never gonna go home at this rate.

"Trevor, don't start. Let's just go," I pulled him by the arm.

"Just a minute Lisa, I've got a settle to score with Noah there," Trevor said and took my arm off of him.

"Oh come on!" I groaned and waited by the locker.

Trevor ignored me and strode over to Noah and grabbed his collar.

"Are you sure you want to do this Trevor? We are still in school property. You don't want to get another detention and miss football practice, do you?" Noah narrowed his eyes.

"No ones around geek. You are gonna have to pay me back for my phone you little shit," Trevor glared at him.

Oh, I forgot to mention. Noah and Trevor are in the same chemistry class. Last week, Noah mixed some chemicals and poured it over Trevor's phone which melted it instantly. He is still pissed about it. In other words, Noah is D.E.A.D.

"It has already been decided Trevor, it was an accident," Noah said.

"Accident my ass. You did that shit on purpose. Now its time for a payback, Trevor snarled then punched Noah in the gut.

Noah groaned in pain and held his stomach. Ouch, that must've hurt a lot. His face was red but he didn't yell out or anything. I guess he wasn't as wimpy as Pete.

"Let me see that bag," Trevor snatched the backpack from Noah's back and started to dig in there.

"Trevor, cut it out! I really need to get home," I said. I was starting to get irritated.

Trevor ignored me again and continued to rummage through Noah's bag. He pulled out a comic book and held it in front of his face.

"Oh, what's this? You still read comic books? What are you, ten?" Trevor mocked.

"That's a limited edition graphic novel, give that back!" Noah cried. His stoic expression suddenly changed to a slightly panicked expression.

"Ah, sounds valuable. I think I will keep it. Maybe sell it to get a new phone?" Trevor grinned.

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