6. Marina

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"Marina, over here!" Ali shouted from across the street.

I smiled and started to walk toward her. It has been almost a week since I moved into this neighborhood and Ali was my only friend so far.

"What do you wanna do today?" she asked.

"Let's go by the lake again," I said.

"Are you sure? Those kids might be there," Ali asked.

I grew quiet. Some kids from our school have been teasing me and making fun of me since I moved here. They usually hang out by the lake around this time.

"Yes I'm sure, but I can't let them get to me," I said confidently.

"Okay, let's go," she said and we headed there.

I saw some of the kids from our school swimming and fishing at the lake. I wanted to say hi but resisted the urge. There was no point in drawing attention to myself.

"Hey there!" I turned around and saw Marcus DeMarco smiling at me. He was one of the cutest boys in my school who never paid any attention to me so I was a little surprised that he was talking to me.

"Um...hey," I said nervously.

"You are Marina right?" he asked.

"You...you know my name?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" he smirked.

"Uh, maybe because you act like she doesn't exist in school?" Ali spoke suddenly, breaking the spell.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that! Anyway, I just came here to say hello. Bunch of us are having a bonfire later today so I was wondering if you'd like to join us?" he gave me his boyish grin again. His cute dimples on the cheeks were to die for.

"We'd love to!" I spoke before Ali had the chance to refuse.

"Marina!" Ali exclaimed.

"Well then, I'll see you there," he winked and left.

"Dude, what the hell," Ali glared at me.

"What?" I wasn't sure why she was so mad.

"Why did you agree to go to the bonfire? You know how those kids treat you? This could be a trap," she said.

"Or maybe Marcus is just being nice," I shrugged.

"You are so naive, he is not a nice guy," Ali declared.

"Look, if you don't wanna go, then don't go. I am going to that bonfire," I said firmly.

"Fine, do what you want. Don't come crying to me if something," Ali said and walked away.

I couldn't believe Ali. I thought she would be happy for me. I was finally getting invited to a get-together and she wasn't willing to support me. Whatever, I don't need her anyway.

I stayed by the lake until it got dark and waited for them to start the bonfire. Pretty soon a bunch of kids from our school gathered around and started the party. I decided to finally muster up the courage to join them.

"What the fuck is piggy doing here?" Kelly pointed at me and shouted.

"No one invited your fat ass!" Aaron screamed and some of the guys started to laugh.

"Shut up Aaron! Marcus invited me!" I shouted back.

"I didn't know Marcus was into disgusting piggies," one of the girls said. I forgot what her name was.

I didn't understand why these kids were so mean to me. So what if I was a little overweight? They had no right to be pushing me around. It doesn't matter, I need to find Marcus and it'll be all okay.

I spotted him drinking beer by the lake and walked over to him. He smiled when he looked at me, making my heart flutter.

"Hey, you made it!" he said.

"Thank you for inviting me. I don't think your friends like me very much," I said and motioned to Kelly and the other kids who were making snorting sounds at me.

"Don't worry about them, they are just immature kids. I am glad you came," he said and moved closer to me.

"Why don't we go somewhere a little quieter, would that be okay?" he asked.

"Yeah...that's fine," I blushed.

He took my hand and led me into the woods. We walked around a bit and found a quiet little area. The moon was big and bright, making the lake water look clear and sparkly. His blue eyes were twinkling under the moonlight. I was in awe at how handsome he was.

He cupped my cheeks and looked into my eyes.

"You are so pretty, Marina," he said.

"You are such a liar," I said but I was blushing profusely.

"I am not, I've had a crush on you since you moved into this town and I've always wanted to do this," he said and pressed his lips on mine.

My first kiss, I thought. It was finally happening.

His kiss felt warm and gentle at first, but it started to feel rough. I started to gasp for breath. He shoved me on the ground and pressed against my body.

"Ouch..what are you doing?" I said and tried to get up but he pushed me back down. I started to panic.

"I've always wanted to do a fat chick," he said and smirked. I was suddenly scared. His handsome friendly face suddenly looked cruel.

Getting raped wasn't part of my plan today. I needed to think quickly. I looked around frantically in hopes of finding something that'll help me, anything. I saw something glint in his pocket. A knife? Perfect.

"What, no protesting? No screaming for help? I guess you want this huh," he grinned. "Don't worry baby, I'll make it so good you'll be screaming for more," he said.

Too bad it'll be you that's going to be screaming, I thought as I slowly removed the knife from his pocket. The stupid bastard didn't even notice. I smiled at him as he unzipped his pants. Perfect.

"I've always wanted this," I cooed.

"I know you did, you slut!" Marcus said and leaned forward. But before he could do anything else, I jammed the knife in his groin and twisted it. Then I cut off his dick with a clean slice. Wow, I love this knife, so sharp!

"Ugh...fuck...what the fuck..." he stammered and fell backward. He grabbed his groin with his hand in an attempt to stop the blood pouring out and started to scream and cry. Pfft...what a pansy-ass bitch.

"Um...Marcus, are you okay?" I got up and called out to him.

"You bitch! What did you do to me?" he croaked. His voice was high pitched and laced with pain.

"Just performed a small surgery. Your dick needed a little readjustment," I said cruelly.

He tried to get up and walked toward me but face planted on the ground. Pathetic loser.

I grabbed both of his feet and started to drag him to the lake.

"Wha...what are you doing?" he asked. "You need to call the hospital, I am bleeding to death dammit!"

"Are you asking me to take you to the hospital? You are a dumbass," I said and dragged him all the way to the edge of the lake and started to roll him into the water.

"No...please stop," he pleaded and fell unconscious.

"Ssshhh....it'll all be over soon," I said and pushed him into the lake entirely and watched him sink.

"Goodbye Marcus," I said to myself. "I will miss your pretty eyes and that boyish smile. You'll forever be my first kiss."

Now, what do I do with those other little monkeys...

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