7. The Fan

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Alana Morrison sat in the coffee shop and slowly sipped her Latte. It was a Sunday afternoon, her only off day from filming. It was time to enjoy her personal time.

"Can I take a selfie with you?" a voice spoke next to her and she sighed. Couldn't her fans leave her alone for once?

She looked at the girl and forced out a smile. "Not now, okay?" she said.

"It'll only take a second, pleeeaase!?" the girl pleaded.

She sighed. This was her life now. No more alone time, no more personal freedom. She chose this life now she has to live it.

"Fine, just one pic." she said and the girl's face brightened up.

She took the selfie and looked at Alana. "You don't remember me, do you?"

"Huh? Should I?" Alana asked.

"Look closely, do I look familiar to you?" the girl asked.

Alana felt a little irritated. What was this girl's problem? She sees hundreds of fans every day, how should she remember one girl? Especially with her, average brown hair and brown eyes. She looked like any other girl.

"Sorry, I don't know who you are. Are you a long time fan? Did you send me a message on twitter or something?" she asked.

The girl smiled. Alana felt a chill all of a sudden. Who was this girl?

"Try harder to remember. You can do it. I know you can, Elaine," she said.

Did she just call her Elaine? How did she know?

"Excuse me, what did you just call me? My name is Alana Morrison," Alana said. She started to get up to leave.

"Don't leave yet Elaine Johnson, I am not done with you yet," the girl suddenly sounded grim. The cheerfulness from her voice was completely gone. Her eyes became dark.

"Who are you? How did you know this name?" Alana said. She felt a shiver running through her spine. She hasn't heard that name in five years. She hoped to keep it buried forever.

"Let's just say I am a ghost from your past that came back to haunt you. Does the name Lea Fisher ring a bell to you?" the girl asked.

Alana was startled. She had been trying to forget her for years. But she keeps dreaming about Lea every night.

"Look, I am very busy okay? I have to leave," she said and tried to leave but the girl grabbed her wrist.

"I would hear me out if I were you," she said.

"Fine, but not here," Alana said desperately.

"Give me a time and a place and I'll be there. No tricks," the girl said.

"I'll be filming tomorrow on buck's street. Come by my trailer and we will talk," Alana said hurriedly.

"Fine. Like I said, no tricks, you'd want to talk to me alone," the girl stood up and left.

Alana couldn't sleep all night. Old memories kept coming back inside her mind. Things that she didn't want to remember. Who was that girl? Why did she want to talk to her about Lea? Why now?

The next day, she went back to her trailer after the filming. His bodyguard Jacob came inside the trailer.

"A girl is asking for you. She said you are expecting her. Something about a Lea?" he said.

"Send her in and then shut the door," she said.

Jacob nodded then went to fetch the girl. He shut the door after she came inside.

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