(41) Mona's Misgivings

Start from the beginning

How in the hell? This girl is something else. She didn't even ask him if we could take Benny to the game. She just told him we would. I love her.

We never discussed her relationship with my boss in detail, I just thought she knew Mister Alderidge through her dad's company. But apparently, he was one of her professors and he has always stayed in touch with her, being impressed by her work ethic. And if anything, Ama knows how to play her cards right.

She sits down next to me again, "Now tell me about Montell. What did he do?"

I chuckle and love how she immediately takes my side. I take a sip of my wine, lean back on the couch, and tell her what happened between me and Montell. Every single detail of what happened. Yes, even the sexy details. We are THAT close.

She fans herself when I tell her about the sex and when I tell her about what happened this morning, I can almost hear her thoughts. She is thinking it all through and I know she will come up with something useful to tell me.

I sip my wine while I wait for her to speak. 

She puts her wine down and turns sideways on the couch to look me in the eye. I'm already propped up in the corner facing her. Her eyes connect with mine and I feel relief wash over me. She doesn't think it's a bad thing. Clearly.

She smiles at me, "For one, a man being honest with you is never a bad thing. Especially this early in a relationship. And I kind of understand him. He has never been serious with anyone for as far as we know. Hell, we thought he was a player. And he was. But he sure isn't one now. I think he's just confused and he's feeling something he has never felt before."

"Be patient with him but don't push him away. Because that might scare him and he'll back off completely. He's amazing, Pookie. And you know it. He loves you and you love him. Just give him time to wrap his mind around it. Reward his honesty. Send him a sweet message to let him know you haven't given up on him yet."

I smile wide and finish my wine. This girl, my bestie. The advice she gives is out of this world. If only she would take her own advice sometimes. Because she might think I didn't see it when she came home, but I did. She needs to talk about her feelings too.

I grab my phone and send Montell a message: Sweet dreams boo. XX

We finish our wine and move to Ama's bedroom. It's time for bestie cuddles while she tells me what's going on with her. We lay down on her bed and she puts her head on my chest. I stroke her hair and she starts telling me about Noah.

I smile when I hear about Noah stalking her to make sure she got home safe. And I chuckle when I hear about her almost breaking his fingers. 

She ends her story with: "I let go of his hand and he just knew I was really stressed. He put his hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead and wished me a good night. I totally don't know what to think of it, I'm so confused." 

"Girl! How are you confused about that?! That is one of the sweetest things ever. It took guts to ask you to get a milkshake with him after all that happened between you two. Following you to make sure you're safe and sensing your stress and kissing your forehead. Wifey, it doesn't get any better than that. He's a keeper. There are not a lot of men like that out there." 

A smile appears on her lips, "He's really cute when he stutters."

I chuckle and sing loud and off-key: "Ama and Noah sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" 

She sings her version for me and Montell and we cuddle and laugh until we fall asleep. 



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That was Mona's POV for ya.

Loved writing this one.

A bestie makes everything better <3 

See you when inspiration hits or when Conan makes me write. ;) 


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