Saving Prayer; chapter 34

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Saving Prayer


Saving prayer is more than opening up the heart to God as to a friend; it is also the yielding up of our heart, our all, our spirit, body, mind, and soul to live and die for Him. 

It is more than what we say to God; it is listening also and waiting patiently for what God has to say to us.

It is more than seeking greater light to understand some mystery; it is also walking humbly, faithfully, in the lesser light we have today. 

It is more than beholding the perfection and beauty of our Saviour, His righteousness and loveliness; it is also seeing ourselves as God sees us, our unworthiness, and neediness.

It is more than asking healing of our bodies and our minds; it is also obeying the divine laws of our being that we might not be sick.

It is more than receiving the good things of life; it is also being willing to take the bitter with the sweet.  

It is more than being cleansed from sin and being made whole; it is also “Go and sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon thee.”

It is more than petitioning protection from the tempters power; it is also closing our eyes and ears to all the evil sights and sounds that abound everywhere.

It is more than seeking the sunshine of God’s smile when our days are dark and the skies are heavy with gloom and dread; it is also seeking God’s face when our days are bright with sunshine, our skies are blue overhead, our faces are radiant with the smile of gratitude, and our hearts overflowing with praises for blessings received.

It is more than asking God quickly to finish the work of redeeming men and to put an end to sin; it is also putting  our shoulder to the wheel, lending God a hand and doing all we can to assist the hastening of that great and glorious day.

It is more than a key that opens heaven’s storehouse to our needs; it is also the key that opens our hearts and hands to pass blessings received on to the desperate needs of a perishing world.

It is more than the breathe of life to the soul; it is breathing out that life to the dying who are without hope and without God all about us.

Saving prayer is the perfect blending of the soul with God forever and forever.

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