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"But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth." Matthew 6:3

Our faithful prayers and unseen deeds

    Are noted by the Lord;

All secret alms will catch His eye

    And bring a rich reward.

The word "alms" used by Jesus in Matthew 6 is not restricted to gifts of money. It might well be rendered "kindness" or "acts of righteousness." In other words, Jesus warns against showing off or seeking the praise of men when engaging in spiritual activity. We are to be modest and inconspicuous.

Years ago Johann Oberlin, the German philanthropist, lost his way in a snowstorm near Strasbourg. He was rescued from freezing to death by a Christian who risked his own life to save him. When the man refused to take any reward, Oberlin said, "At least tell me your name."

"First, tell me the name of the good Samaritan," came the reply.

"I don't believe it's recorded."

"Then permit me to withhold mine," said the Christian. Oberlin was deeply impressed. He never forgot that humble man, who expected no earthly praise for his deeds.

It isn't the world-praised wonders that are best in our Father's sight,

Nor the wreathes of fading laurels that garnish fame's dizzy height,

But the pitying love and kindness, the work of the warm caress,

The beautiful hope and patience and self-forgetfulness;

The trifle in secret given, the prayer in the quiet night;

And the little unnoticed nothings, are good in our Saviour's sight.

                                                          - anonymous

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