Destination Heaven: chapter 18

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Destination Heaven

Efficient leaders of organizations and responsible individuals set specific goals for which they constantly strive. A vagrant, on the other hand, is an extreme example of one who has no such purpose in view. He does not hold a steady job, does not obligate himself for the purchase and maintenance of a home, and often has no loved ones for whose future he is concerned. The utter aimlessness of such a life was strikingly demonstrated by a tramp who declined a ride someone offered him, saying, “No, thank-you! I am not going any place, so I am just as well off here as I would be 10 miles further on.”

All who do not believe in God are in a sense “spiritual vagrants” - living without an ultimate aim or goal.  The Christian, however, knows where he is going.

Corrie went to the airline office in Taipei, Taiwan.

“I want a ticket for a long trip - Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong. . .”

“Pardon me,” the clerk interrupted. “What is your final destination?”

A twinkle came into Corrie’s eyes.

“My final destination?  Heaven.”

The clerk did not smile. She studied her charts and schedules.

“I’m sorry, Ma’am, but this airline doesn’t sell tickets to there.”

“No,” said Corrie. “I didn’t think you did. I already have mine, anyway. I got it long ago at Calvary. Do you have yours?”

Do you have your ticket as Corrie did? Is your faith valid and up to date?

Have you unloaded your burden on the One whose yoke is easy? Is the Pilot who knows the way at the controls of your life.

Are you putting preparations for the trip ahead of everything else? Will you be on time for the take off?

One sweetly solemn tho’t,

         Comes to me oe’r and oe’r;

I’m nearer to my home today,

          Than e’er I’ve been before

Nearer my Father’s house

          Where many mansions be;

Nearer the throne where Jesus reigns,

          Nearer the crystal sea.

- Anonymous

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