Where Is Your Treasure

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Where Is Your Treasure

The angels from their home on high

Look down on us with pitying eye,

That where we are but passing guests,

We build such strong and solid nests;

While where we hope to dwell for aye,

We scarce take heed one stone to lay.

A Christian young lady was visiting a friend and former associate of her father. The aged man had sought the wealth and acclaim of the world and had been succesful in obtaining both. He inquired about the young lady's father whom he knew to be in financial difficulty and failing health. He listened attentivel to the account of his friend's patience in suffering and noted the cheerfulness with which he could look forward to either life or death. Troubled in conscience by the great contrast in their lives, he exclaimed,"You probably wonder why I cannot be as happy and serene as he is, but think of the difference. He is going to his treasure, and I - I must leave mine!"

Surrounded by an affluent society, we tend to absorb the spirit of the age which is "to get and to hold". And with the getting, the heart is often captured by the possession. All too soon the world, instead of heaven, becomes our storehouse.

Jesus calls us from the worship

    Of the vain world's golden store,

From each idol that would keep us

    Saying, "Christian, love Me more."

- anonymous

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