Judge Not: chapter 36

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Judge Not

Our judgement of others may be unfair, because of our own twisted outlook, our inability to see things as they really are. A lady complained to a visiting friend that her next-door neighbour was a poor housekeeper. “Just look,” she said, “at those clothes on the line. See the black streaks on those sheets and pillowcases!” The friend stepped to the window and looked out. Then she raised the window and looked out again. “It appears,” she said, “that the clothes are perfectly clean; the streaks you see are on your own pane. - anonymous

In speaking of a person’s faults,

Pray don’t forget your own;

Remember those with homes of glass

Should seldom throw a stone.

If we have nothing else to do

But talk of those who sin,

‘Tis better we commence at home,

And from that point begin.

Some may have faults - and who has not?

The old as well as young;

Perhaps we may, for aught we know

Have fifty to their one.

Then let us all, when we begin

To slander friend or foe,

Think of the harm one word may do

To those we little know.

Remember curses sometimes like

Our chickens “roost at home”;

Don’t speak of others’ faults until

We have none of our own.

- anonymous

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